8. Savior Nemo

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November 28th, 2022
1:42 AM

Abandoned Fisk Hideout, Bronx, NYC

   Felix had spread out the blueprints of the Bank of NYC, plotting his next robbery. He didn't alert the intruder crawling in through the vent above him by reacting. He took a sip of his black coffee and set it back down. When the intruder didn't make the first move, he did. He grabbed a pin and threw it up to the ceiling.

   "Yowch!" Peter fell to the ground making Felix chuckle.

   "You are either a shitty hero or-" Felix turned around, seeing Spider-man, "Peter...." He ran to his side and pulled the pin out of his thigh. "Fuck... I thought you died," Felix cupped his face and pulled off his mask, kissing his chin.

   "Mask... my brothers have been following me," Peter warned, and Felix pulled his mask out of his pocket.

   "Oh my god... that thing was going to eat your head. Why are you still alive," Felix had killed himself over and over, thinking about that night, and he ran away like a pussy. Spider-Man was a menace and pain in the ass, but he was his pain in the ass.

   "The Host is an old friend of mine... he is actually why I am here,"

   "That Monster sent you here?" Felix growled

   "No... I need your help," Peter sighed.

   "Yeah... you came back for more?" Felix purred, coiling his thick arms around Peter's small waist, pressing him against his hard body. Felix leaned down and took a big whiff of Peter's neck, sucking and kissing his fair skin.

   "Black Cat, please... focus. I need your help getting into Oscorp," Peter sighed.

   "Why would I do that?" Felix said, petting the swelling of Peter's ass and between his thighs. The two of them jumped out of the way when Namor burst into the warehouse in a wave.

   "Get the fuck away from him," Namor said protectively, sending a ball of water knocking Black Cat out of the way and flooding the warehouse he used to bring Peter to him with currents. "Are you okay?"

   "Namor, I wasn't in danger. He is an ally... I think," Peter swatted him away. He walked over to Felix to see if he was okay.

   "It's okay, Peter, I love Fish Sticks," Black Cat smirked before leaping up and kicking Namor in the head, sending him to the ground. Peter sighed and webbed Black Cat's hands together, flipping him back to the wall. He did the same to his brother.

   "Peter! He is a notorious Jewel Thief. He has killed innocent people," Namor said before Peter webbed his mouth shut.

   "SO have you before Daddy saved you...." Peter furrowed his eyebrows, "He didn't mean to," Peter looked at Felix. He was trying to escape from the webs, but Peter walked closer to him. "Please, Black Cat... you are the only person I know that can break past the Oscorp Security System,"

   "Yeah, and why the fuck would I help you? Felix snapped that you could get your father to buy the building," Felix snapped, "The two of you are so stupid for being so-called heroes... your father is the richest man on earth, and you still want to help humanity?" He scoffed. Namor began to talk back, but he was silenced by the web, "What was that, Nemo?" Felix teased, and the two of them growled at each other.

   "Black Cat... I know you know one of the Scientists at Oscorp...." Peter took another step toward him before he climbed up onto the wall. Their faces were inches from each other. He was vague because he didn't want Namor to piece things together.

    "He was an evil man... he hurt many people including me... and you," Peter continued, "He part of the reason I am cursed with the Spider... My friend was normal before they made him a host for Venom... please, I have other friends in there. I have to get everyone out before Oscorp kills any more of them,"

   "I never knew a man of the sort...." Felix huffed. He was trying not to seem affected. Namor sent a wave to free him of the webs. It was the only weakness Peter's powers had. The webs dissolve in water. "I'm sorry, Peter... I am not a hero," Felix told him, and Peter sighed, taking the webs off him and hopping down to the ground. "Take care..." He grabbed his grappling hook and turned to Namor, "Watch out for worms on hooks, Aquaman,"

   "Hey! He copied me! I was around way before he was!" Namor started to chase after Black Cat before Peter webbed him again.

   "How could you, Namor... you scared him away. The three of you promised that you would stay out of my business," Peter pushed him, and Namor broke out of his restraints. He sent a current to pin Peter against the wall.

   "Peter, you are choosing to befriend a villain,"

   "He isn't a villain. He is the best at breaking through security systems," Peter defended him, "What do you think Aunt Natasha used to be? Do you think she used to be a hero?" He said, and Namor raised an eyebrow. "He had a hard life, like all of us... I just wanted to show him he could be good,"

   "No, you wanted to use him to get your friends out of Oscorp," Namor corrected.

   "Namor... you don't know what it is like there." Peter sniffled. When he cried, he knew all his brothers had a soft spot for him. The three brothers have been trying to stay a 50-foot distance from Peter, his scent was only maturing, and Namor wanted to lick it away by sucking on every inch of Peter's body.

   "Pete," he sighed, letting him back to his feet. He pulled him into a hug.

   "Namor... we need a little help," Pietro said, and Venom's shriek sounded in the distance.

   "Peter..." he said, a bit firm when he was pushed out of the hug.

   "You said you guys wouldn't hurt him...."

   "He is a monster, Pete, he isn't your friend anymore... he has eaten 40 people,"

   "Yeah! Evil Scientists... they deserve to be headless!" Peter shouted as he threw Namor up on the ceiling, encasing him in a web cocoon that would take him a while to get out of.

   "Peter!" he shouted as Peter webbed away.
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