3. Bad Pussycat

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November 23rd, 2022
11:23 PM

Midtown, Manhattan, NYC

   Peter was a block away from Oscorp. He was on top of the building with his laptop set in his lap. He had to let the police do their jobs tonight. He was trying to go through the backdoor of Oscorp's security system to hack into their cameras to find what floor his friends were on.

   He knew how he would get in. The building's offense system would be restarting at Midnight. He would have 10 minutes to sneak in and sneak out with his Harry and Eddie, or at least get evidence for the police.

   He heard the alert on his phone before it sounded off. He picked it up to see that the museum had just stolen a few blocks away. "Shit..." He muttered, trying to focus back on his work, but then he heard the sound of a grappling hook hooking onto the building beside his. He sighed and quickly shoved his laptop into his bag, webbing it so someone couldn't steal it. Peter put his mask on and jumped off the building.

   "Hey! Black Cat!" He shouted, and the guy glared back, taking a sharp turn and making Spider-Man miss him just in time for him to get a few blocks ahead of him. The Black Cat knew he wouldn't be able to outrace the Spider, so he got ahead and set up a trap. He threw a ball to the side of the building and landed on the roof of another.

   When he felt the Spider getting closer, he pulled on the wire to close him. Pete flipped around until he crashed onto the roof. He quickly got up but not in time to dodge two balls being thrown by the Black Cat that restrained his wrists to the building behind him.

   "You just won't stop... will you pest?" Felix asked, annoyed, walking to Peter. He got into his face. He could hear Peter's anxiety as he realized he was trapped.

   "You just won't stop breaking the Law...."

   "Kid, you have got to get rid of this hero complex before you run into a real villain,"

   "I am not a kid!" Peter snapped, and Felix smirked. He had never in the two years the Spider had been foiling his schemes gotten to him. Peter cleared his throat. "Let me go right now, and I will lessen the can of whoop ass to a can of butt-kicking...."

   "Cute, Web Head..." Felix rolled his eyes and scoffed as he straightened up his eye mask and stretched his body. He then punished the Spider while he pulled out the sack of stolen jewels and gems to see if he scored. He looked over at Peter and saw his annoyed expression through his mask, Peter watched the man grab his phone and walk up to him.

   "If you are going to ask for my number, I am a little tied up at the moment," He muttered, then he gasped as Felix reached for his mask. "No! Please, No!" He yelped, then closed his eyes as if he would disappear. Even with the hair matted down to his face, Felix recognized him.

   "Holy Shit..." He gasped and then laughed, pushing his hands up and cheering, "Woo-hoo!" He shouted as Peter glared at him thinking he had gone mad. "You are Peter fucking Stark!" He shouted and pointed the phone at him and took a picture.

   "Black Cat, please... delete that picture," He begged, but he had already pulled up Twitter, "Don't you dare post that picture, Felix Hardy," He said, and the man's fingers froze just before he sent the picture out on his Black Cat Twitter profile. "Yeah, that's right... I have done my research,"

   "Well... doesn't Daddy Stark know what you are doing?" Felix snapped. The Starks were more famous than the Royal Family. Tony has been adamant that he doesn't want his two youngest to be heroes. He wants them to go to school and be heroes behind the desk who won't be in immediate danger.

   "I am doing well... the most I will be punished for is taking away my suit... if I just whisper your name, then you will be locked up on Riker Island for the rest of your evil life," Peter said, knowing he won the argument. Felix groaned and showed Peter him deleting the photo, "Delete it from your 'Delete' folder too," Peter said, and Felix muttered. "Now let me go...."

   "I don't think I can do that... you will try to snatch the jewels back," he accused, and he stepped closer to Peter, looking into his beautiful ice-blue eyes and brushing the jet-black curly hair out from his face.

   "Stop touching me...." Peter snapped and glared up at the much taller man. He knitted his eyebrows together and shifted uncomfortably. Latex bodysuits aren't very concealing... and he still got excited when a handsome man touched him... even if it was Notorious Jewel Thief Black Cat. Felix loved the finer things in life... and Peter was young and dumb.

   He was already thinking of his next jewel heist, which involved the Young Stark. Two choices came to mind... he could make the 18-year-old fall in love with him or ransom him for everything Tony Stark has. Since Peter has his identity figured out, Felix thinks he must have a hit piece for every nemesis ready to come out if anything happens to him.

   "You are the son of the richest and strongest superheroes in the world, and you have a BDSM party city suit?" Felix was evaluating the waters. He needed to find out what Peter knew about him. "Dude... you don't even have a cup?" He said and stroked the bulge growing in Peter's lap. Peter yelped and wriggled around, trying to escape. He wasn't going to open up a can of whoop ass... he would tear the hide of the pussycat.

   "Get your filthy mitts off of me...." Peter said, and Felix chuckled at the cute lingo of the Spider. He didn't like to swear.

   "I was just simply pointing out that you need a cup...." Felix said, touching Peter through the thick latex material, punched him in the groin, and Peter yelped. "See... not even protective fabric, watch," He said and then punched himself in the groin with no reaction.

   "Top-of-the-line fabric," Felix said and showed him his suit. He unbuckled his belt and shoved his pants down to his thighs, "Cup...." He said, taking out the protective armor, and Felix hooked Peter.

   His eyes were wide and focused on his semi-hard 11-inch penis. He cupped Peter's face and ground himself against Peter as he forced him into a kiss. Peter had never kissed a villain before... and now he was kissing him like a slut. The thing with MJ was because they knew each other, Black Cat and he hated each other.

"Felix..." Peter moaned as his hair was pulled, and the man fisted his hand into his hair. Felix sniffed in Peter's aroma and lost all focus. They continued to kiss and grind against each other, almost feral. They didn't notice the looming threat sneaking up.

   Their keen senses both hit them at the same time, but it was too late. Felix intellectually leaped away, but the inky blackness materialized from the darkness and pinned Felix right next to Peter. "Shit," Felix shouted, looking at the terrifying alien. It was over double its size with dagger-sharp teeth.
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