7. Bad Decisions

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If you are disgusted by the lack of lore knowledge, let's pretend it is intentional... and part of the AU, LOL! I will be researching a lot of Spider-Man/Venom lore.

November 24th, 2022
12:01 AM

Sub-Level 37, Oscorp, New York City, New York

   Peter had been glued to Tony's side for the past two hours. He had finished eating a while ago and fell asleep on Tony's shoulder. The father had asked them to give them some time so they could talk, and Peter would take him leaving the hardest. He knew that his family missed him, but he had known how much Peter had missed him until he was holding him and crying on his shoulder.

   "Pete..." Tony nudged his son's chest and woke him up. He batted his eyes open and looked up at him. "I got to go, Sweetie...."

   "What? Did I fall asleep? Why didn't you wake me up?" Peter sat up and rubbed his eyes. He looked down and found his father's large hand on his hip. He gulped when he felt himself being turned on by his father touching him, he hid his face, but Tony tilted up his chin.

   "We... need to talk about that before I leave," Tony said, and Peter widened his eyes, mortified that he knew he was turning Peter on.

   "I'm... Sorry,"

   "It's okay, Little Bug... it is in your biology," He said, and Peter raised his eyebrows, "Doc Ock found an Alien Genetic in your blood... it must have been in the Serum that your Bio Parents took. They are called symbiotes, but this gene runs many aliens... it's why everyone has been acting odd around you. You can't help it, but you give off this intoxicating aroma that attracts mates to you,"

   "Oh god... that's why you told me to shower. I stink," Peter muttered, blushing.

   "No, son... you smell good... amazing," Tony said, and he didn't notice the lust in his father's eyes. He just thought he was tired. "We expected you would mature to this gene when you turned 18... you are in heat,"

   "How long will I be in heat?" Peter asked.

   "Until you conceive," Tony said, and Peter widened his eyes, "Yeah... we think it won't be intense after your firstborn son... but this is completely normal.

   "No, it isn't, Daddy... it's freaky... I am a freak. You are probably glad that I am not your real son."

   "Hey... where is this coming from," Tony cupped his son's face and knelt to be eye-level with his son sitting on the couch. "You are my Baby Boy. We might not be blood-related, but you are just as much my son as Max,"

   "I'm not a baby anymore...."

   "I know, but you are my youngest... I can't believe I am old enough for you to be 18," Tony said, and Peter slightly smiled, "Your Pop's is getting old... and sore from all the crime-fighting. Help me up?" he asked, and Peter nodded.

   "Can I come with you?" He asked as he helped his dad up. That's when Tony remembered that there were reports of a Spider-Man webbing around the city's streets. His scientists weren't fast enough to grab a web before it was washed away or disintegrated... but when they got their hands on it, Tony hoped it wouldn't match Peter's Web Print.

   "Hey... you aren't the vigilante zipping around Manhattan, are you?" He asked, and Peter shook his head, "Good Boy," Tony hugged him. Peter unintentionally caught a whiff of his father's musk. He bit his lip, feeling his father's chest muscles.

   Tony got distracted, too, and the hug lingered. "No, Son, you can't come with me... it is way too dangerous," he said, and Peter groaned, "You should focus on school when it comes back. You could get a job? You don't have to... but it might help you with your loneliness. You can meet many friends when you have a job,"

   "Daddy, I want to help... as in help you, help Uncle Thor... Help my brothers,"

   "They don't need help, sweetie. It's to-"

   "Too dangerous, I know...." Peter sighed, "I just... need to help," he looked down at his feet. Tony sighed and tilted his face again. Peter could see the cogs spinning in his father's head, so he put the nail in the coffin by pouting.

   "Fine, Peter... you would be a field agent... but you can be an Agent. Your first mission is to find out who Spider-Man is and recruit him to the East Coast Avengers...."

   "Uhm... o-kay," Peter gulped.

   "I got to go, baby... be safe, okay? Then, if you are good, we can talk about you, possibly being a field agent like your brothers." Tony put his hands on his hips and tried not to melt as Peter bounced excitedly.

   "I love you, Daddy... do you think you could call me more than you already are?" He asked.

   "Oh, course, Petey," Tony kissed him on the forehead. When he did that, he knew he had made a mistake. He didn't stand back up immediately. He gulped, looking down at his son's eyes... they were pure lustful, and glazed with want. It was like they were both hypnotized. What happened next took pure willpower.

   "I love you too, son... I will be back as soon as possible, my Baby Boy," he said, kissing Peter's cheek before avoiding eye contact and walking away after hugging him. Peter gulped and watched his father enter the Elevator. He sighed, waiting a few minutes, not processing what had just happened. When the Elevator was free again, he went down to his floor.

   He needed to make a new suit... but he sucked at sowing. Last time, he grabbed a body suit from Party City and customized it. Maybe since he is now an Avenger Agent, he could make the costume department make Spider-Man an awesome suit... he had a close relationship with Spider-Man, after all.

   Went Peter got onto the floor, he could see that Quentin was waiting for him in his room. He didn't want to face him after what he made him do for his silence. He listened for his brothers to see if they were still there. Pietro was still getting into his suit, so Peter walked down to his room and knocked on the door.

   "Hey, Petey," He smiled, trying not to breathe through his nose.

   "Hi... Daddy just left. Can I sleep in your room?" he sighed.

   "Oh..." The way Peter looked saddened Pietro, "Do... you want Spider-Man to come out to fight with us tonight?"

   "No... not really, I need a new suit," Peter said, coming in, and Pietro sighed.

   "I um... I will take a night off. We can have a Brother's night, okay?" He asked, and Peter smiled.

   "Can you tell me something, Pietro?" Peter asked, and his Brother raised his eyebrow, "How long have I smelled?" He asked.

   "Smelled? I don't smell anything," Pietro gulped... this was going to be a hard night.
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