4. Omega Petey

250 11 4

Trigger/Kink Warnings: Teratophilia/Monster Fucking, Dubious Consent

November 23rd, 2022
11:32 PM

Midtown, Manhattan, NYC

   "Peter Parker..." He hissed, and Felix gulped quickly, pointing to Peter. Venom's face dripped away, and Eddie's face appeared.

   "Eddie!" Peter froze from trying to escape Venom's strength, "Eddie! Is that you, buddy?"

   "Don't 'buddy' me!" Eddie shouted, making Peter flinch, "It is too late to beg for your life...."

   "Eddie! I didn't forget my promise. I have been planning a way to bust everyone out! How did you get out? Is Harry safe?"

   "Don't act like you still care about me, Parker," He hissed, letting Venom take over again. Looking into Peter's eyes reminded him of how nice he used to be.

   "Eddie, I am not acting! I love you and Harry! I haven't gone one day without thinking of you! Really! I have been investigating Oscorp for years to save you, save all of you," Peter teared up, and Felix felt like he shouldn't be here... really, he wanted to be far-far away from this monster.

   Venom was back and hungrier than ever. He had finished his science snack hours ago and needed more to eat. He licked his lips and unhinged his jaw to swallow Peter whole. The Spider was halfway in Venom's mouth before the monster stopped.

   "Ah!" Felix cried as he watched the monster about to eat Peter. For some reason, Venom was distracted enough for him to get away. Felix didn't even grab the bag of jewels. He zipped away quickly, escaping.

   "What the hell are you doing, Venom... Eat Peter," Eddie demanded. Peter was trembling with his eyes shut as Venom and Eddie fought for control.

   "He is telling the truth Edward Brock," Venom hissed, sending chills down Peter's spine.

   "No! He can't be telling the truth! How could he let me rot in Oscorp!"

   "I-I was trying everything to get to you, Eddie," Peter opened one of his eyes like it would make Venom disappear. The two were distracted, so Peter used all his strength to pull the binds on his wrist out of the brick building wall.

   "Where do you think you're going?" Eddie and Venom said in unison.

   "Eddie... come on, let me show you all of my research. I promise you that I was working on it... I was going to come to save you next week,"

   "Bullshit Peter..." He muttered, "Venom! You better fucking eat him, or so help me. I will set us on fire!"

   "No!" Venom growled, taking over again, and then focused on Peter. "He is going to help us,"

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