16. Pent Up Heat

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December 11th, 2022
12:14 PM

99th Floor of Avengers Tower, Manhattan, NYC

   Tony sent Peter to come up to his office, and he had been working non-stop since returning to New York. Max had shown concern about the rash on Peter's wrist and texted him. He smiled. He waved for Peter to come in when he saw him knocking on the glass door.

   "Hello, Peter, did you have a nice day with... yourself?" He asked.

   "Yeah..." "Can I have my powers back?" Peter asked, and that's when Tony remembered that he was angry with his son. Peter smiled and sat down in the chair, he didn't know if he was in trouble... but rested much better at night knowing that his father was home.

   "What did you learn?" He asked, and Peter sighed.

   "I learned not to tell you that I am the city's vigilante and that I should always ask you because you are just trying to protect me...."

   "That's right... Good Boy," Tony said, and Peter's eyes lit up. He felt like purring. His father reached his hand out and curled his fingers, motioning for Peter to give him his wrist. His father's hands were so big they could wrap around both of his wrists with a little slack. Tony knit his eyebrows at the raw skin around his right wrist, "Why didn't you tell me? Does it hurt?" Tony asked, he assumed his body was building up a lot of web fluid and the bracelet was inhibiting it so it started an infection.

   "No... I am fine," Peter told him. Tony stood up and walked around, leaning against the desk right in front of Peter. He was already so much taller than Peter. He did this to seem more dominant... for his son to listen and obey him.

   "Peter... I don't like that you lied to me. You could have gotten hurt," he scolded, "That fight with Scorpion... and the time you fought Rhino... you need to be trained," He said, and Peter lit up.

   "Does... that mean."

   "Yeah-Yeah... that means you can keep being Spider-Man," he sighed, then chuckled when Peter jumped up and hugged his arms around his neck. Tony took in his scent, he was so ripe to be bred... then Tony grabbed Peter by the waist sitting him down before he did something he regretted. "Samuel and Tyler will be your mentors."

   You are to listen to them and take advantage of their knowledge for as long as they stay here, got it?" He asked, and Peter eagerly nodded. Tony got the key and unlocked the bracelet, Peter playfully webbed him in the face, ensuring his powers were back. "Don't push it," Tony chuckled.

   "How are Eddie and Venom doing?" Peter asked, and that's when it hit him. The Void Metal Bracelet had hindered his web-shooting and acrobatic abilities, but it had also softened his heat. He still smelled like sex to the people around him, but he hadn't felt the effects of his heat for over a week.

   "Yeah, they are doing great on paper and in defense," Tony said, then he started rambling about how genius his new program was working out for him. Peter lifted his arms and webbed, zipping up and wrapping his legs around his father's waist. "Was I off on a tangent again?" Tony smirked and pressed his hands around Peter's waist, thinking this was a hug.

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