Pandora Black was the youngest Black sibling. She was close to both of her brothers, even Sirius, though he had left home when she wasn't even old enough to go to Hogwarts yet. Many things happened in her life that tore down most of her happiness, t...
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Pandora and Bill had kept their relationship a secret from everyone for a couple of weeks. It wasn't like they had kept everything behind closed doors, so they would sit together and hold hands, but it took a couple of weeks for them to tell everyone they were dating. Also, it wasn't really "telling everyone," when all they told was Casen, Nymphadora, and Charlie.
Pandora had to break the news to Oliver and Percy, since they had wondered why Bill was so close to Pandora. Bill almost laughed when he seen how unhappy the two boys were at the news. Apparently the two boys really did have a crush on the girl, even if Pandora really hadn't believed that they did. It was just a school crush though, so it would definitely go away.
Bill had been the biggest comfort to Pandora on Sirius's birthday, November third, since he knew the girl would be terribly upset. He had spent the day with her, sitting on the couch by the fire telling stories. Enzo had been with them most of the day, and he seemed to enjoy all of the stories Bill and Pandora talked about. Bill had told her a few stories from his childhood, and what it was like growing up with so many siblings at the Burrow.
Anyhow, a couple weeks into November, they finally had another Hogsmeade trip. Pandora had asked Casen to occupy Bill, so she could go out shopping for Bill's birthday gift. Yes, she had considered going before, but now it was going to be extra special. Pandora had Enzo with her, since she figured he could help pick something for his father. Enzo might've only been six months old, but he was still smart.
Pandora had picked out a few things for Bill, which were a bit expensive. She had gotten him a bit of sweets, a couple books that he had been wanting, a new jacket, a disappearing journal—where he could write, but nobody could read, and a brand new pair of boots. Enzo had picked out sweets and a stuffed dog, but Pandora had decided to get it anyway, as gifts from Enzo.
She had to get everything wrapped before she and Enzo met back up with Bill, but once everything was wrapped and hidden, Enzo and Pandora met Bill at the Three Broomsticks.
"Y'know you didn't have to get me any birthday presents." Bill commented, and Pandora nodded.
"I know, but I wanted, too. I know you'll love them. Even Enzo got you something. He picked it out himself." She replied, causing him to chuckle.
"I'm not happy about waiting now." He said, making her laugh.
"Oh," Pandora began, turning to Bill,"you'll have to help me get gifts for Charlie. I know he likes dragons, but I'm not the best at picking out dragon stuff. You can ask Dora, since I had to help her get him something last year." She commented, and he nodded.
"I can do that. We should do the shopping today though, since we've had Hogsmeade trips cancelled before because of the weather." He said, causing her to chuckle.
She couldn't remember one Hogsmeade trip that was cancelled because of the weather, but she didn't question him. She figured that he was trying to figure out what he had gotten. She wouldn't give him any hints, that's for sure.
The couple travelled through a few stores, grabbing different items that would interest Charlie. Bill had decided to get him the newest book on dragons, but Pandora got him a few things; new boots, fireproof gloves, a journal like Bill's, and a figurine of a Chinese Fireball. The figurine was magic, of course, since it could move around and blew fire from its mouth, but the fire was fake and definitely safe. Enzo had picked out sweets and a Common Welsh Green plush.
Anyhow, once their adventures in Hogsmeade were over, Pandora, Bill, and Enzo went back to the castle. Pandora immediately brought all of Bill's gifts to her dorm room, so he wouldn't be able to spy on them. She also put Charlie's gifts in there, so she could wrap them later. Bill put Charlie's gifts in his dorm room, as well as the gifts he bought for her birthday, which she didn't know he had even gotten.
Casen had given him a bag to hide the gifts in, and since Pandora thought it was just another bag to hold Enzo's things, she never did know he had gotten her any birthday gifts. In a week or so, she would be getting birthday gifts from Ted and Andromeda, but they gifts had special charms on them, to keep her from opening them until her actual birthday. Rather smart honestly, but she had never learned the charm, so she wasn't able to use them on gifts she bought for people.
After the students at Hogwarts had found out about Pandora and Bill's relationship, Pandora had heard a few more rude comments than she normally would've everyday, but she didn't care. She really liked Bill, and Enzo was very important to her. She wasn't going to lose her friends over some mean students at school. She wasn't going to turn her back on them, and push herself back into hiding, just because people were rude.
She had to deal with rude comments all her life, and none of them were very creative or new. A lot of the comments she heard were overused and rather bland. She wished people weren't so rude, but at the same time, she wanted to laugh in their face when they used the same insult everyday. The only problem to her was the actual torture she endured.
Since she had no family, other than Nymphadora, Andromeda, and Ted, all of the Slytherins believed she was helpless. She was an orphan, and they liked to torture her for it. The words they spoke were nothing compared to the cuts, bruises, hexes, and curses she was hit with quite often. She just hoped nothing would happen to the ones that were most important to her, just because of who she was...
A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. Do you guys remember if I gave her a birthday? If not, it's now November 20th.