Chapter Twenty Eight

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Test day had come, and Pandora wasn't too excited about it

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Test day had come, and Pandora wasn't too excited about it. She wanted to be finished with school, but she didn't want to take the mind-numbing tests that the school needed to prove anything was actually learned by the wizards and witches. Pandora knew she was smart, and she didn't doubt her capabilities when it came to magic, but that didn't make the test taking anymore enjoyable.

When taking tests for her classes, she often wore comfortable clothes that most students wouldn't normally see her in. She was more of a dressy person when it came to everyday wear, but definitely not during test days. Test days were torture, and she refused to dress nice for them. If anything, the administrators were lucky that she wore regular clothes instead of her pajamas.

Bill or Casen were in most of her classes, so if they took their demonstrations before her, she would be able to ask them how hard or easy it seemed to be. Obviously, the students didn't have the exact same demonstration for each student's test, but all the demonstrations were similar in difficulty. Professor Mcgonagall did test students based on their grades during class, so some students had harder demonstrations than others. Pandora was one of the students with a harder demonstration.

Pandora didn't realize that Mcgonagall had believed she was so good at Transfiguration until she was asked to demonstrate some pretty hard spells during her test. Pandora was able to do the spells with absolutely no problems, so she knew she had made a good grade on the test—at least the demonstration part, if her written test didn't go well.

After Pandora had finished all of her tests, she had went straight to the Hufflepuff Common Room. Nymphadora had asked her to come, and Pandora would never decline seeing her cousin. Nymphadora brought Pandora to the kitchens, and the house elves gladly made the girls tea and grilled cheese sandwiches with tomato soup. Pandora was a big kid, so this was one of her favorite meals.

"How do you think you did?" Nymphadora asked, causing the girl to shrug.

"I think I did well, other than in Divination, I suck at that class. I doubt I'll make above an acceptable." Pandora replied, making her cousin laugh.

"You always doubt your skills, Panda, then you're shocked when you find out you've made a better grade than most of the students in your year—Ravenclaws included." Nymphadora said, and Pandora rolled her eyes playfully.

"Yes, but these tests are a lot harder than the regular tests we take for our classes, Dora. I just have a feeling my grade won't be the best." Pandora commented, causing Nymphadora to roll her eyes as well.

"Just you wait and see." Nymphadora murmured, as she gave her cousin a smirk.

Nymphadora always believed in Pandora, even when she didn't believe in her self —especially when Pandora didn't believe in herself. Nymphadora was Pandora's cheerleader for the longest time, always being there when Pandora needed her most. Sometimes Pandora didn't know how to help Nymphadora, but the girl never held it against her, instead she showed her how to help.

Pandora and Nymphadora were two peas in a pod, as were Pandora, Bill, and Enzo. Pandora never really had the perfect family dynamic, but it was slowly getting better. Nymphadora was showing her how to be better for herself. Bill was showing her how she was supposed to be loved by others, and Enzo was showing her just how much she could love someone else.

Pandora had expected to go through her seventh year of Hogwarts, the same as she had every other year — and that was by scraping through undetected. She had been able to go through school without too much attention, other than the constant bullying by the Slytherins. She still didn't know why they still bullied her, it was getting rather old in her opinion, but truth be told, it had gotten old after the second time it happened.

Bill never really stood out much either, except for when he was on the quidditch pitch. Most of the school knew him then, but afterward he wasn't well known. He stayed to himself, for the most part, and always recieved good grades. He was a bit of a playboy when he was younger, but once he had recieved news that he had gotten a girl pregnant, his playboy ways stopped immediately.

In ending his playboy ways, he was able to see girls for more than just their bodies or their willingness to sleep with him. Pandora was his first, and pretty much only, serious girlfriend, and most of Hogwarts knew it. Pandora had heard about his playboy days, but she really didn't want to believe it. She wanted to believe he was always the respectful and sweet boy he was to her.

The one thing she was happy about, was that his grades had always come first before being a playboy. Once he stopped being a playboy completely, his grades went up even more. He now almost had perfect grades, close to matching Pandora's, and everyone was proud of him—especially his mother.

Bill still hadn't told his mother about his future job, nor did he tell her about the offer he recieved to go to Egypt. He knew she wouldn't be happy with him moving so far away right after school. She also wouldn't be happy knowing he was taking Enzo and Pandora with him. Obviously, he wouldn't leave them behind, but the three moving at one time would definitely upset Mrs. Weasley.

Mrs. Weasley really wanted her children to stay close to her. She never really wanted them to leave, even though she was proud of them for graduating and making a life for themselves. She knew they'd eventually leave, but she really wasn't too happy about it. She hated the idea of having an empty nest, and Bill leaving was the beginning of her nest becoming empty...

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