Chapter Fourteen

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'Dear Andy and Ted,

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'Dear Andy and Ted,

     I had promised Dora I would write to you two about the news—if you even want to call it news. I mean, honestly, how she hasn't told you already is beyond me. She's already started plans for the future, and the future isn't anywhere near close yet.

      A couple of weeks ago, Bill Weasley asked me to be his girlfriend. I know I've told you about Bill Weasley, as well as his son Enzo, and our friend Casen. Well, Bill had asked me on a date, and it was the best date I had ever went to—keep in mind, I've never been asked on a date before.

     Bill was such a gentleman, and he's one of the sweetest people I have ever met. I mean, I don't know how I've never met him before. He's caring, and I've never once heard him say any of the hurtful things the Slytherins have said to me.

    On Sirius's birthday, Bill sat with me all day. He listened to me tell stories about my brothers, and he told stories of his own family. Honestly, if it wasn't for him, I probably would've stayed in my bed and cried all day like I did every year before. He knows how much I miss my brothers, and even though they turned out bad, he still understands and he let's me miss them without judgment.

      The other day, I went out and bought him his birthday presents. I had to wrap them before Enzo and I met back up with him, otherwise he'd snoop like Ted, but I don't mind. I bought him quite a lot, which might seem excessive, but I really do care for him.

      And Enzo—I have to say, there is so many wonderful things about that little boy. I really do care for him. I never did see myself having children, or really caring for any children, but Enzo makes me wonder if I chose wrong. To be honest, I love Enzo as if he was my own—I just haven't told anyone that. He really is an amazing baby.

       Anyhow, write me back soon. I love you, and I will see you soon. Also, I will let you know if anything else happens while we're at school.

                                Pandora Black'

Once Pandora had written her letter for Andromeda and Ted, she brought it to the Owlery and sent it straight to them. She didn't want it delayed, since she knew anything could happen between the time of delivery and when they read it and write back.

Anyhow, once she had left the Owlery, Pandora went back to the common room to sit on the couch and do her homework. It was a Saturday, so all of the students were out doing their own thing. Pandora had decided to do her homework, since sometimes she would get distracted and she wouldn't finish it early like she always tried to.

As she was finishing the last line of her homework, she heard Enzo babbling, before a weight was added to the couch beside her. She quickly finished her homework, before packing it up and turning to Bill and Enzo.

"Hey, love." Bill murmured, as he leaned forward and placed a kiss on her cheek.

"Hey, what are you two boys up to?" She asked, smiling at them.

"Nothing, we were waiting on you to finish your homework," He replied, biting his lip,"Do you feel like coming to my dorm with Enzo and I?" He asked, and she nodded.

Quickly gathering her things, she ran them up to her dorm room and put them on her bed, before going back down to Bill and Enzo. Bill lead her to his dorm and allowed her to enter first.

"They've given me my own private dorm, since none of the others want to share a dorm room with a baby." Bill commented, and Pandora smiled.

"Their loss," She replied, as she sat down on Bill's bed,"Enzo's a great baby." She added, and Bill smiled.

Pandora quickly kicked off her shoes, before Bill set Enzo down in her lap. Bill crawled into the bed next to Pandora, and laid back against the pillows and wall.

"I'm surprised they gave you a bigger bed." She commented, causing him to shrug.

"Maybe they thought I'd share the bed with Enzo sometimes," He replied, before placing his hand on her thigh,"or maybe they thought I'd share it with a beautiful girl like you." He added, and she rolled her eyes with a chuckle.

"You are sure full of yourself," She replied,"but you're lucky I like you the way you are." She added, laying back next to Bill.

"Oh, I know it's weeks away, but I was wondering if you'd want to come to the Burrow for Christmas," He said, making her bite her lip,"Mum is dying to meet you. I've told her all about you, and I told her how much Enzo likes you. To be honest, she practically demanded I asked you right away to come to the Burrow for Christmas." He finished, making her sigh.

"I don't know," She murmured,"What if your family doesn't like me because of who my brothers are?" She asked, making him frown.

"I knew you were going to worry about that, but you don't have to worry. Mum already knows about your family, and she agreed that you're nothing like your parents, or your brothers' mistakes, so she's willing to see you as yourself, and not compare you to anyone else." He said, and she nodded.

"I'll have to make sure Andy and Ted are fine with it, but I'd like to go to the Burrow for Christmas." She replied, causing him to smile.

"Brilliant!" He exclaimed,"Let me know the moment they agreed, and I'll write to Mum. Oh, you're going to love it at the Burrow. It may be loud, but it's a very nice atmosphere." He rambled, though he was nervous.

He worried that she wouldn't like the Burrow. He couldn't help but wonder if she would think the Burrow was too tacky or stuffy. He wanted her to like his home, but he was almost too embarrassed to bring her...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. So, I kind of feel like it would be crazy, but what do you guys think about their first time together being at the Burrow? Maybe it can be Christmas night, or some other night where Molly and Arthur wouldn't catch them.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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