Chapter Seven

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Pandora had officially been friends with Bill and Casen for two months now, and she was finally getting the hang of what it was like to have friends

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Pandora had officially been friends with Bill and Casen for two months now, and she was finally getting the hang of what it was like to have friends. She would spend money on them, since she had always wanted to have friends that she could go shopping with. Bill wasn't always happy about her spending money on him, but when she spent money on Enzo, Bill didn't seem to complain as much.

Bill's birthday was coming up, and so was the day that marked three months of her having real friends. Bill's birthday was the twenty ninth of November, and the three month friendship mark was the first of December, since they became friends on the first of September. She also heard that Charlie's birthday was the twelfth of December, so she planned to get him a gift as well. Casen's birthday was the first of February, so she had a while before she had to buy the boy a gift. Enzo's first birthday was during the summer, July to be exact. He was only four months, soon to be five months old so far, so he wasn't exactly that far along in age yet.

Pandora was actually surprised that the boy could sit up so well, and reach for people when he wanted them. Technically he wouldn't lean and reach yet, only stick out his arms or make grabby hands, but still he reached for them. Pandora thought the boy was rather smart, or possibly knew what he had to do to get what he wanted since he had so many uncles, an aunt, and grandparents in his house with him and his father.

"What are you doing Saturday?" Bill asked, as he sat down next to Pandora in Transfiguration.

"Well, Saturday is Hogsmeade, so I plan to go and buy a couple things. It'll be your birthday soon, and I also have to get Charlie's gift. Other than that, I don't really have plans," She answered,"Why?"

"Oh, I--um--I was wondering, if you maybe wanted to--you don't have to say yes of course, but I was wondering if you'd like to go on a date with me?" Bill asked, causing the girl's eyes to widen.

"Y-you fancy me? I-I don't know--" She began, before Bill cut her off.

"You know what, don't worry about it. Forget I asked. It was stupid. I mean, we just became friends, and I don't want you to think I only became friends with you because I fancied you. We can just forget I asked." Bill rambled, his cheeks turning red slightly.

Pandora felt her stomach drop, knowing there was a good chance she messed everything up with Bill. She didn't know what to do though, since she had never actually had a boy fancy her before. She needed to talk to Nymphadora and quick. Biting her lip, she remembered Nymphadora had a free period during this class, so she quickly raised her hand to get Mcgonagall's attention.

"Yes, Miss Black?" Mcgonagall asked, looking over at the girl.

"Could I be excused? I'm not feeling vvery well." Pandora lied, and Mcgonagall nodded.

"Of course, go on to see Madam Pomfrey." She replied, causing Pandora to quickly stand.

Pandora left the room and quickly went on a search to find Nymphadora. Luckily for her, she found Nymphadora sitting outside by a tree. She ran down to Nymphadora, only to find the girl sitting with Charlie. Sighing, she almost decided not to go to Nymphadora, but if anyone knew Bill, it would be Charlie. Nodding to herself once, Pandora walked over to the two and sat down.

"What are you doing out of class, Pandora?" Charlie asked, turning to the girl.

"Are you skipping class? Oh you're such a rebel, Panda!" Nymphadora teased, and Pandora rolled her eyes playfully.

"Yes, I'm skipping, but it's for a serious matter," She said, causing the two friends to turn to her,"Bill asked me on a date to Hogsmeade Saturday, but when I didn't answer right away--mostly because I was nervous, he pulled the question out of nowhere. He never even told me he fancied me before. I didn't know what to say, I've never been asked out before. When I didn't answer right away, he told me to just forget about it. He said we could pretend he never asked, but I have a feeling it's going to be weird. I've never really had friends before, and I don't want to lose him as a friend, just because I was an idiot and didn't answer him the right way, and--" Pandora rambled, before Nymphadora placed her hand over the girl's mouth.

"Panda, breathe," She demanded,"It's fine. It's only Thursday, so you can talk to him later today or tomorrow. Tell him that you've never really been asked on a date before, so you didn't know how to answer." She said, causing Pandora to nod.

"If you don't fancy him, let him know. Merlin knows no guy wants to feel like an idiot for believing the girl they fancy also fancy them when they don't," Charlie commented,"I'd give him a couple of hours though, before you go to talk to him. When he's embarrassed or anxious, he gets really moody sometimes. I'd rather he didn't make you more upset because he can't control his mood swings." He added, and Pandora nodded once again.

"Wait until after dinner. Once we eat, you can get Bill to leave early with you, and the two of you can talk. You'll probably have to bring Enzo, unless you leave him with Casen, but Enzo shouldn't be a problem." Nymphadora said, as Charlie agreed with him.

At that moment, Pandora was glad that she had talked to Nymphadora and Charlie. If she hadn't, she'd probably mess up things with Bill more than she believed she already had. She hoped for the best, but she knew there wasn't much she could do yet. If there was one thing she knew she was good at, it was messing things up, but she hoped her streak for such things was over...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. Sorry for such a long wait, but I've been rather busy with so many other stories. Also, I don't know if I've said so before, but this story will be a short story. I don't know how many chapters there will be, but it won't be as long as some of my other Harry Potter books are once finished

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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