Chapter Four

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Pandora rarely wore anything but dresses, since she was so use to wearing skirts for school

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Pandora rarely wore anything but dresses, since she was so use to wearing skirts for school. She did own pants and shorts though, even if she didn't wear them often. Most of her pajamas were shorts or pants, she'd never wear a nightgown to bed, knowing anyone could accidentally see her knickers if she kicked off her blanket while sleeping. Anyhow, after staying in her dorm room for the rest of the day after her attack, Pandora decided the next day that she was a little hungry and she'd have to leave her dorm room to eat.

After showering and getting dressed, Pandora walked down the stairs into the common room. There wasn't many people in the common room, since most of them were either still sleeping or they were in the Great Hall eating breakfast. Sighing to herself, she stepped off the last stair and placed her feet firmly on the floor.

"Pandora!" She heard, startling her and causing her to cower slightly.

Turning around, she was surprised to see Bill Weasley making his way over to her with his son in his arms. A blonde boy followed close behind Bill, which didn't surprise Pandora, since she remembered that boy seemed to always be around Bill throughout their years of Hogwarts.

"What happened yesterday? Who attacked you?" Bill asked, causing Pandora to frown.

"Fantastic, Bill, jump right into it. That's what a girl wants in the morning." His friend commented, rolling his eyes.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I just--I figured since you and I are friends now--" Bill began, before Pandora cut him off.

"We're friends?" She asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Yes? I was hoping we would be friends, if that's alright with you?" He asked, causing the girl to bite her lip.

"I-I've never really had a friend before." She murmured, making him smile sympathetically.

"Well, than I'll be your first friend, and Casen,"He began, pointing to his blonde friend,"will be your second friend. As your friends, we want to be able to help you. So, we'd really like to know what happened yesterday." Bill said, causing the girl to sigh.

"I was attacked by a few Slytherins, nothing major. They destroyed one of my books, gave me a few cuts, and stuff like that. Nothing major, and nothing I'm not already use to. I was more upset over my book." Pandora answered, deciding not to tell her two new 'friends' about her torture.

She wasn't even sure if they were really her friends, or if they were just trying to play a trick on her. She knew some people were willing to do that, since in her second year, a Slytherin girl pretended to be her friend, just to embarrass and harass her later on. The Slytherin girl was later moved to another school, but the trauma was still there for Pandora. So, Pandora wasn't very trusting when it came to getting a new friend, especially since she didn't know Bill very well, or Casen really at all.

"Were you able to fix your book?" Casen asked, causing the girl to shake her head.

"No, I didn't have enough time last night to fix it. I have to fix it though, it's one of the last gifts my--it's special to me, and I cherish it so much. It physically hurts me to see it in such ruins." Pandora answered, making both boys frown.

"After breakfast, bring the book to the common room. The three of us can work on fixing it together." Casen said, and Pandora nodded.

She knew they were trying to establish trust, but she wasn't sure just how much trust she was willing to give to the boys just yet. As the three stood together, the baby in Bill's arms reached for Pandora.

"He wants you to hold him, if you don't mind." Bill commented, causing Pandora to smile hesitantly.

Bill carefully passed the small boy to Pandora, and watched as the boy almost instantly curled into her chest and laid his head right under her chin.

"He seems to really like you." Casen commented, as he watched the little boy.

"I'm surprised. I'm new at this, and I'm really awkward." She replied, causing Casen and Bill to chuckle.

"Can't really tell if you ask me." Bill answered, smiling at his son.

"Do you want to carry him to breakfast, or Bill and I can always bring food back here and we can eat in the common room." Casen asked, making Pandora bite her lip.

"Would you mind bringing food here?" She asked, looking between the two boys,"Not that I'm embarrassed about carrying Enzo to breakfast, I'd just rather stay under the Slytherin radar until after my face heals." She commented, and the boys nodded.

When the boys left the common room, Pandora walked over to one of the couches and sat down. She cradled Enzo in her arms, as she waited for Casen and Bill to return. By the time they had returned, ten minutes had already passed. The two boys were practically rushing to get into the common room.

"Sorry, Pandora. Charlie and Tonks stopped us to ask about you. Tonks was a little worried when she didn't see you reading under the tree in the courtyard when she came back yesterday. Charlie said Percy and Oliver were looking for you, apparently Mcgonagall told them you were the perfect person to ask to help if they had trouble with any of their classes." Bill rambled, as he and Casen set food on the table in front of them.

Pandora was liking how freely the boys talked to her, but she was still rather guarded. She knew she'd have to get to know them way better before she opened up to them. Honestly, she had a feeling deep inside that told her she should trust them, but she was afraid. She just needed a bit of time to make sure they weren't faking a friendship just to toy with her. Even if it wasn't true, for some reason that's all her mind could think of. She never had a good friendship or relationship with anyone other than Sirius and Regulus, as well as Ted, Andromeda, and Nymphadora. Everyone else seemed to despise her, or hurt her in some way. She just didn't want to open herself up for hurt or disappointment...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. So, I was wondering if you guys think this book should run through to the Harry Potter years, meaning going through all of those extra years out of school, or should I just end it before all of those extra years. I mean, I could always skip ahead a few years into the deeper part of the Harry Potter years, but I'd like to know what you guys think.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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