Chapter Fifteen

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Christmas had come, meaning Pandora would be leaving with Bill and Enzo to the Burrow

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Christmas had come, meaning Pandora would be leaving with Bill and Enzo to the Burrow. She was very nervous. She was so nervous, that she made sure she wore something to prove she was a Gryffindor, so Mrs. Weasley wouldn't believe she was bad like her name sake. She wasn't bad, and she wanted to make sure they knew that.

"You'll be fine." Bill said, but that really didn't ease Pandora's nerves much.

Luckily, the train ride seemed to last a shorter time, which was a good thing, since the longer she waited, the more nervous she would become. Anyhow, the moment everyone was able to get off the train, Bill handed Enzo over to Pandora so he could get their bags.

"Let's go." He said, nudging her forward.

Pandora walked slowly beside Bill, as Charlie and Percy quickly caught up with them. The moment Mrs. Weasley seen them, a big grin appeared on her face.

"Oh, my boys. It's so good to see you." She gushed, as she hugged her three sons.

"Mum." Percy whined, his cheeks turning pink when he realized Pandora seen his mother kissing on his face.

"You must be Pandora, Bill has told me so much about you. He was right, you truly are beautiful." Mrs. Weasley said, and Pandora smiled.

"Thank you, it's nice to meet you, Mrs. Weasley." She replied, causing the woman to smile.

"You as well, dear,"She answered,"Now, let's get moving before the twins cause the Burrow to disappear." She commented, causing the two oldest boys to laugh, but Percy scowled.

When they arrived at the Burrow, Pandora stared at the home mesmerized. She had never seen a home quite like this one. Hers wasn't the best, but this home had flare. Mrs. Weasley waved her wand, sending their bags to their rooms. Bill grasped Pandora's left hand, as she used her right to support Enzo on her hip. Bill lead the girl inside, and she fell in love with the home.

"It's not much, but it's home." Bill commented, and Pandora smiled.

"This place is beautiful. I love it." Pandora replied, causing Mrs. Weasley to grin to herself.

Little Ginny came running into the room. A grin was on her face, and her childlike innocence made Pandora's heart flutter for a second.

"Bill! Charlie! Percy!" She exclaimed, as her little arms wrapped around Bill's legs.

"Hey, Gin. This is my girlfriend, Pandora." Bill said, as he picked her up and walked her over.

"Hi." Ginny murmured, smiling shyly.

"Hello, sweet girl." Pandora replied, making Ginny blush.

"It seems all the Weasley children are going to be flustered by your charm." Bill joked, causing Pandora to laugh lightly.

"Come to the kitchen, food is ready!" Mrs. Weasley exclaimed, and everyone filed in quickly.

Bill and Pandora sat together, and Bill introduced her to his father once the man had come in to eat. After they ate, Enzo began to fall asleep on Pandora's chest. All of the others had dispersed to do their own thing, but Bill and Pandora remained in the kitchen with Mrs. Weasley.

"Pandora, I hope you don't mind, but Bill's room is the biggest, so I set you up a bed in there," Mrs. Weasley commented,"You two just have to promise me you won't be exploring each other in there." She said, causing both teens' cheeks to turn pink.

"Mum!" Bill exclaimed, causing Mrs. Weasley to laugh.

"It's getting kind of late, I believe you two should be getting Enzo to bed. I'll be getting the others ready for bed shortly." She commented, and the teens nodded.

Bill lead Pandora up to his room, and once they were in the room, she quickly changed Enzo, before laying him down in his baby bed.

"Tomorrow is Christmas Eve, so would you like to go on a date before Christmas?" Bill asked, making Pandora smile.

"I'd love that." Pandora replied, causing Bill to smile as well.

"Mum will watch Enzo while we're out." He commented, and the girl nodded.

She and Bill soon changed into their own pajamas, though Pandora was too tired to really change, so she simply slipped on some leggings and left on her sweater. She would change into actual pajamas the next night. She was worried about wearing her pajamas though, since most of them were shorts and thin strapped tops. She normally didn't worry about what she wore, since she slept in a room by herself or in a room with only girls, but this time it was different, she was in a room with Bill.

Instead of thinking too hard on it though, she decided to ignore the idea of Bill seeing her in such little clothing. One day he'd see her with none, and she knew it. Honestly, after Mrs. Weasley brought up the idea, Pandora began to wonder if she was ever going to be ready to do such things with a boy; especially with Bill Weasley, her handsome boyfriend.

Obviously, he was way more experienced than her, seeing as he had a child, but she didn't let that bother her. She didn't want to think about all of the people Bill could've slept with before he was with her. The mere thought made her stomach churn, so she let the thoughts slip from her head. Thinking about sleeping with him herself made her stomach fill with butterflies. She had never really been touched in such a way before.

She was an outcast and never had anyone interested in her, so she definitely hadn't had sex with any boys in Hogwarts. Of course, she had a small sexual encounter with a Hufflepuff girl in fifth year, but it was awkward. The Hufflepuff was a seventh year, and she knew more than Pandora. So, when Pandora felt the girl's hand up her skirt, she had been very nervous. The girl hadn't explained much to her, since she assumed Pandora knew what was going on.

Pandora hadn't expected the sensation when the girl started rubbing on a bundle of nerves in her lady parts, but she was really shocked when the girl slipped a finger into her. Her heart had hammered in her chest, but she did feel pain when the girl unexpectedly slipped a second finger into her and spread them apart a bit. In the end, Pandora had almost embarrassed herself when she orgasmed, but the Hufflepuff girl simply continued to rub her until she was finished, then got up and left like it never happened.

Pandora doubted Bill would do that to her, but she was worried. She kind of wanted to experience sex though, after hearing so many people talk about it. She wondered if it was as fun as she heard. If it was, she was truly missing out...

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