Pandora Black was the youngest Black sibling. She was close to both of her brothers, even Sirius, though he had left home when she wasn't even old enough to go to Hogwarts yet. Many things happened in her life that tore down most of her happiness, t...
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Like Pandora had promised, a week later, she gave Casen a piece of parchment full of different ideas for stories she was potentially thinking of writing. Once she had written out the ideas, she began to slowly collect information for Sirius, as well as what happened to Regulus. She couldn't get much, since a good bit of it was locked away, but from what she had found, Sirius hadn't had a connection the the Death Eaters at all. She couldn't find much else though, so she really didn't have much to go off of to try and prove her brother's innocence.
Anyhow, weeks had passed since she started collecting information, but she still came up short. Bill and Casen helped with what they could, but they found about as much as she did. They had originally wanted to collect most of their information when they graduated, but it seemed there wasn't much to collect. Everything had been hidden away and covered up, if there was any at all, so the three couldn't find anything at all that would be helpful.
February had snuck up on them before they knew it, and Bill had Casen help him plan out the perfect date. Casen practically wrote out the date step by step for Bill, and picked out his and Enzo's clothes. The day of Valentines, Bill had gotten up early and got himself and Enzo dressed. Once they were dressed, he shook Pandora awake and had her get ready. He asked her to dress comfortably and not fancy, since he didn't want to be dressed fancy himself.
"Enzo's shirt is so cute." Pandora cooed, as she kissed the little boy's cheek.
"I figured it was the perfect shirt for the occasion." Bill replied, and the girl smiled.
Pandora held Bill's hand, as she carried Enzo down to the Great Hall. They would eat breakfast in the Great Hall, before going into Hogsmeade for the day. All of the girls that sat near Bill and Pandora cooed at Enzo's shirt, though some of them had backhanded comments to say as well. They never said it to the couple's faces, instead they whispered their rude comments to their friends.
Pandora didn't let them bother her, since she wanted to try and be more self-confidence and happy. While they ate, Casen ran into the Great Hall and plopped himself down next to Pandora.
"You should write the idea of the fairy that goes around poisoning little children and killing teenagers." Casen said, almost as soon as he sat down.
"You think?" She asked, and he nodded.
"I liked all the ideas, but this one was the best." He replied, making her smile.
After breakfast, Bill and Pandora went to Hogsmeade with Enzo. The first placed they stopped at was a flower shop. Enzo picked out the flowers for Pandora, which she thought was the most adorable sight she had ever seen. The florist even gave the little boy a teddy bear to put with the flowers for his mum.
Obviously, Pandora let him keep the teddy bear, but the gesture itself was sweet. He had picked out tiger lilies, which just so happened to be Pandora's favorite flowers. After the flower shop, Pandora decided she'd treat the boys. She brought them to Zonko's for them to pick out whatever they wanted. Though Enzo really wasn't big enough for most of the products, he was able to get a couple things that he absolutely loved.
Bill then took Enzo and Pandora to a store that sold muggle products. Pandora bought herself a record player, much to Bill's dismay, but Bill was able to pick out some vinyl records for her. He also picked out a couple that he believed Enzo would like to listen to. Enzo loved music, so he would most likely like any music he heard.
Unknown to Pandora, Bill had actually heard her singing to Enzo one night when the little boy was having trouble going back to sleep. She had believed Bill was asleep, so she was singing to the little boy. Bill never told Pandora that he had heard her sing, since he didn't want to spook her or upset her, but he thought her voice was beautiful.
After spending hours shopping and walking around, Bill brought Pandora and Enzo to dinner. Pandora had ordered pasta, and Bill had ordered steak. Pandora fed Enzo some of the sauce from her pasta, as well as very tiny pieces of pasta. Bill could only share part of his potato that came with his steak, since Enzo couldn't handle steak just yet.
"Next time we go out, we should get pizza. He could definitely chew on the crust, and I know he'd love it." Pandora commented, and Bill nodded.
Bill wasn't too familiar with pizza, since he had only had it once or twice, but Pandora had it often when she was at home. Pizza was one of Ted's favorite foods, so they had it a lot. She knew the crust was safe enough for Enzo to chew on, as long as she and Bill were watching him the entire time.
"I had fun today. This was a great Valentine's date, with my two favorite boys." Pandora commented, as she kissed Enzo's cheek, then kissed Bill's lips.
"I'm happy you liked it. I was worried it wouldn't be enough for Valentines." He replied, causing her to laugh.
"You and I both know this is my first Valentines date, and it was amazing. I'm happy with every date we have, even when it's as simple as eating in the common room alone together." She said, and he smiled.
She really was perfect and understanding. He really loved her, and he was glad that she was in his and Enzo's life. He hated that they were unable to find information to help Sirius, but he never planned to give up hope. One day they'd free him, or if it wasn't them, one day she'd at least be able to see her brother again...
A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. So, I've decided that this book will have 30 chapters. I'm not sure if it'll have a sequel, or if it'll just end where I end it.