Pandora Black was the youngest Black sibling. She was close to both of her brothers, even Sirius, though he had left home when she wasn't even old enough to go to Hogwarts yet. Many things happened in her life that tore down most of her happiness, t...
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The next morning, Bill and Pandora were woken up by Charlie coming into Bill's room. He smirked at them the moment he seen them in bed together, and from the look he was giving them, they knew he knew what the two had gotten up to in the night. Luckily though, he didn't comment on it, and simply told them that the three needed to go down to breakfast.
Bill quickly grabbed some clothes to change into, as Pandora looked for the perfect outfit. She sprayed herself with perfume to cover up any lingering sex smell, before she pulled on her new outfit. Once she was dressed, she quickly changed Enzo and placed him in a new outfit for Christmas. An outfit she had actually bought the day before when she was shopping for Christmas presents.
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Enzo was one of the cutest babies ever, so Pandora was able to get him any clothes that would look adorable on him. Bill thought his son looked awesome in the clothes Pandora bought him.
Once Enzo was ready, Pandora carried him downstairs to breakfast. Enzo wasn't old enough for anything other than oatmeal, but he was happy to eat the warm food. Every time Pandora fed him a bite, he'd look up and smile at her with his bright eyes shining.
After breakfast, everyone crowded into the living room for gifts. Enzo sat in between Bill's legs, since Bill would have to help him open his gifts. The entire Weasley clan, other than Bill and Mrs. Weasley, were surprised to see gifts to them from Pandora. The gifts looked expensive, but Pandora promised she didn't spend too much on them. Enzo had the most gifts, since he was a baby, but Ginny was a close second, since she was the only little girl.
Pandora's eyes widened when Mrs. Weasley passed her a colorfully wrapped gift. She smiled gratefully, before carefully peeling the paper from the gift. Her heart skipped a beat when she seen the handmade sweater that had been wrapped for her. The sweater, which was a dark pink, had a P knitted into it to represent her name. She felt happy tears come to her eyes, as she held the sweater in her hands.
"Oh, thank you so much. I love it." Pandora said, as she hugged Mrs. Weasley.
"A Weasley sweater?" Bill questioned quietly,"It seems you're part of the family now. There's no turning back, and you can't run away." He jokingly said, and Pandora smiled.
"I'm happy to be here, and I'd never leave." She replied, kissing his cheek.
"I actually have a gift that's for all the Weasley kids together," Pandora commented, as she pulled the large gift bag from behind the tree,"but you guys have to promise to share. That means you too, Charlie." She added, giving him a playful glare.
Ron and Ginny quickly worked together to move the colorful paper out of the bag, before they gasped.
"Candy!" They exclaimed, and Pandora laughed.
"It's all muggle candy. I figured you guys would want to try the same candy I'm going to be trying." She commented, as they grinned.
Mrs. Weasley went to the kitchen to start making Christmas dinner, as Mr. Weasley went to his "work shop" to mess with hthe muggle products he had gotten for Christmas. The Weasley children all took turns hugging Pandora and thanking her for the gifts and candy that she had gotten them. Even Percy gave her a hug, though he wasn't a fan of hugs and such. Ron blushed the entire time, but he still hugged her nonetheless.
"I'm going to help your mum in the kitchen. You spend time with your brothers and sister." Pandora said, as she grabbed Enzo.
Pandora grabbed a couple toys as well, before she headed into the kitchen. She set the baby into the rarely used highchair, and placed his toys on the table in front of him. Mrs. Weasley watched her, a smile on her face the entire time. Bill had found a good girl, one that was good for him and for Enzo, and Mrs. Weasley hoped Pandora stuck around for them.
"Would you like some help, Mrs. Weasley?" Pandora asked, and the older woman nodded.
"You can cut up the vegetables." She replied, causing Pandora to smile.
Pandora had been worried that the woman wouldn't want her help, or that everything would be awkward without Bill or the others being around.
"Pandora, can I ask you a couple serious questions?" Mrs. Weasley asked, and Pandora nodded.
"Sure." She answered, though her stomach churned with nerves.
"You're happy with Bill, right?" Mrs. Weasley asked, and Pandora nodded,"And you know Enzo is a part of him, and that's never going to change." She commented, again Pandora nodded.
"I love Enzo and Bill, Mrs. Weasley, I promise you that." Pandora said, and Mrs. Weasley smiled.
"I'm happy to hear that, but I have to make sure, he is my little boy, and Enzo's my grand baby," She commented,"I know it might be early to ask, but you do plan to stick around for the long run, right? Not just for a few months, and then skip out on them, right?" She questioned, causing Pandora to sigh.
"I plan to be around as long as Bill will let me, but if Bill's over me, I can't stay." Pandora replied, and Mrs. Weasley nodded.
"Pandora, my Bill is completely in love with you. I can see it every time he looks at you or talks about you," She said, a happy smile on her face,"I just have to know if you're ready to be a mother to Enzo, one that he deserves but hasn't gotten since he was born. You've been great with him, I've seen you, but I need to know you're taking this seriously. Are you ready for the role of a mother?" Mrs. Weasley questioned, causing Pandora's heart to beat rapidly.
"Honestly," Pandora began, sighing slightly,"I love Enzo like he's my own, but I don't want to make Bill feel like I'm forcing myself on him and his son. If he's okay with me having that role, I'd be happy to take it, but I can't without Bill's permission." She answered, and Mrs. Weasley nodded.
Mrs. Weasley was satisfied with the answers she was given, she just hoped the teens would talk about the importance of the topic before they became too serious and it caused a rift between them...