Chapter Twenty Seven

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Bill had decided to take the girl on a special date the week before their big tests

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Bill had decided to take the girl on a special date the week before their big tests. He had asked Casen to watch over Enzo, since Bill had some important stuff to talk about with Pandora. Pandora had absolutely no idea what Bill wanted to talk about, all she knew was that she and Bill were going on a date without Enzo, which did not happen often.

Casen was more than happy to watch over Enzo, especially after Bill told him what he was going to talk to Pandora about. Casen was a big supporter of their relationship, so he did everything in his power to make sure their relationship worked out the way it was supposed to. If anyone even seemed like they would be a threat to the relationship, Casen would have the person gone in a heartbeat. He didn't care how standoff-ish that made him seem either.

When Pandora and Bill arrived in Hogsmeade, Bill took her to Madam Puddifoot's, which wasn't a normal stop for Pandora and Bill. Normally their dates happened at the Three Broomsticks, but this time he decided it would be at Madam Puddifoot's—not that Pandora was complaining, she was happy wherever they went.

Pandora and Bill ordered tea and chocolate cake, since the place was well known for their tea and desserts. Bill was feeling very nervous, which wasn't like him at all. He had only ever felt this nervous when he was asking Pandora on their first date, and when he asked her to be his girlfriend. Everything ran so smoothly between them, that he wasn't use to feeling nervous around her.

"Pandora, I have something I want to ask you." Bill commented, and Pandora nodded.

"Sure, Bill, anything." She replied, causing him to smile nervously.

"I know we've only been together a few months, but I really do care for you. I love you, and I don't really like being away from you. You're my best friend—other than Casen—and I would be devastated if I ever lost you. I hate even being away from you for classes, or when I was studying for Ancient Runes. You've became a huge part of mine and Enzo's life, so I was hoping you'd maybe agree to move in with me." He rambled, and looked up at her with hopeful eyes when he finished with what he had to say.

"Where?" She asked, causing him to smile.

"Well, I wasn't going to tell you until later, but I got an offer in Egypt. They want me to come to Egypt as soon as I graduate to start training to be a curse breaker. I know you wanted to write your book, but I thought that maybe if you had a change in scenery, you'd be able to write more and have more ideas and inspiration." He replied, as he fiddled with his fingers.

"Y'know Bill," She began, sighing slightly to make Bill believe she wasn't going to agree,"I think that's a wonderful idea. I'd love to move in with you and stay in Egypt with you and Enzo." She said, causing him to grin.

He had to hold himself back from cheering, as he stood up and quickly hugged his girlfriend. Yes, moving in together was such a small step in their relationship, but it was a small step headed up to a bigger one. He loved her, and he knew it wouldn't be long before he popped an even bigger question.

"Do you have a place picked out already?" Pandora asked, causing the man to nod.

"They said they're providing a place for me to live. I told them about you and Enzo, so they're making our place a bit bigger than some of the others." He replied, making her smile.

"Now it seems you were almost sure I was going to agree to moving in with you." She commented, causing him to chuckle.

"You can't go into anything believing you'll fail, otherwise you'll sike yourself out and fail either way." He answered, and she nodded slightly.

"Wise words from a boy who hasn't graduated yet." She joked, making him roll his eyes playfully.

"You haven't either, Panda." He retorted, using the same nickname that Nymphadora always called her.

"I will be in a little over a month," She replied,"Can you believe it? We're almost graduates!" She exclaimed happily, causing him to laugh.

"I know, and I'm excited to finally be graduating, but I know I'm going to miss Hogwarts." He replied, and she nodded.

"Well, you still have quite a few siblings that'll go through, and Enzo. Some of them are going to be quidditch players, and you'll get to come to some games. That'll be like we're right back in Hogwarts again." She said, making him shrug with a chuckle.

"Close enough." He answered, leaning forward to kiss her cheek.

He was ecstatic she agreed to moving in with him. To be honest, if she hadn't agreed, he most likely would've cried. He loved her so much, and he definitely didn't want to be that far away from her. Egypt was far from the Tonks residence, and he didn't want that amount of space between them. Besides, he only trusted her with Enzo, and he didn't want anyone else trying to take care of their son. She was his mother, and he didn't want anyone else trying to take her place.

Pandora would've never disagreed though. She loved him and she loved Enzo. Being given the chance to go to Egypt and leave a lot of her past behind sounded amazing to her. She couldn't wait to get away, and have a change in scenery. She, Bill, and Enzo were going to live a happy life as a cute little family, and she wasn't going to let anything destroy that for them. They were simply meant to be, and nothing in the world was going to tear them apart, especially distance. Distance was a relationship killer, one neither of them wanted to deal with...

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