Pandora Black was the youngest Black sibling. She was close to both of her brothers, even Sirius, though he had left home when she wasn't even old enough to go to Hogwarts yet. Many things happened in her life that tore down most of her happiness, t...
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"You should stay in my dorm tonight." Bill commented, when Pandora came down from her dorm.
"What if someone catches us, or tells on us?" She questioned, but he shook his head.
"No one will catch us, and no one comes in my room besides you and Casen. He wants us to be together, so he wouldn't tell anybody." Bill replied, causing her to roll her eyes with a chuckle.
Two weeks after he had officially called Pandora Enzo's mother, he had been more affectionate and always wanted to be together. Over that time, Pandora began to come out of her shell more, and would express herself, instead of staying quiet like she use to. Bill was helping Pandora become a more outgoing person, and Pandora was helping Bill become a more affectionate and caring person.
Time was getting less and less before they would graduate though. In June they would be taking N.E.W.T.S and they'd find out if they could be what they wanted to be when they graduated. Pandora really didn't know what she wanted to be, but she considered being a healer or an auror. She also considered finding a job in writing or journalism, but she remembered Rita Skeeter, and that kind of moved her off of the idea as well. She didn't want to be in the same bubble as that crazy witch.
"Have you decided what you're going to be when you graduate?" Pandora asked, as she sat down with Bill and Casen at breakfast; Enzo sitting quietly in her lap.
"I'm going to be a professional quidditch player. I've already gotten a request from a high ranking team." Casen replied, and his friends grinned.
"That's amazing!" Pandora complimented, causing Casen to blush a little.
"I'm going to be a curse breaker. I read about it in a book, and I really liked the sound of being able to explore places and break curses on objects and stuff. I would also be able to travel, which would be pretty cool." Bill said, and Pandora nodded.
"It sounds like a job I could definitely see you doing." She replied, making him smile.
"What about you?" Casen asked,"What are you going to do after we graduate?"
"I'm not sure," Pandora replied,"I'm considering being a healer though, or trying to write my own book. I love literature and writing has always been something that I found interesting." She said, shrugging slightly.
"A healer takes a lot more work and time, most likely. You'd be away from Bill and Enzo a lot." Casen commented, trying to help her choose a path she'd be happy with.
"Don't let Enzo and I hold you back from a career though. We'll always be there when you get back from classes and training." Bill added, giving his friend a little glare.
"I did consider the time I would have to spend away from Bill and Enzo, but I also considered all the extra training and learning I would have to do. I mean, I'm not dumb or anything, but I'd much rather try to write than try to learn all the potions and charms that keeps a person's insides from going outside." She said, causing Casen to chuckle.
"Well, if you're going to be a writer, what are you going to write about?" Casen asked,"I'd like to be the person you give a sneak peek to." He commented, making her laugh.
"I haven't even started thinking of ideas yet, Casen. Give me a week to come up with some ideas, and I'll have you pick which one you like best." She replied, and he nodded, satisfied with her answer.
"Let's head to class, future best seller." Casen said, as he happily helped Pandora stand up from the table.
"I'm kind of considering writing my side of things that happened in the Black family. Maybe I could tell the wizarding world all the good things Reggie did, especially for me, or maybe I could explain what all happened to Sirius, so maybe the wizarding world could understand why bad things seemed to happen to and around him." She commented, causing Bill to frown.
"If you did, the wizarding world may blacklist you, and consider you to be an under the table Death Eater." Bill replied, and Pandora sighed.
"You're probably right, no matter how hard that is for me to admit. I really just wish the world could understand how I feel about them, and how things were different for me. I bet they'd be surprised just how different my brothers were with me, or how wrong the world was about them." She said, making him frown.
"But Sirius turned out to be a murderer, Pandora." He murmured, causing her to roll her eyes.
"Details, Bill," She retorted,"Besides, no matter how much slander the wizarding world put on him, or how much my parents tried to make me hate him, I just can't. I really still have a hard time believing he hurt anyone; that he'd kill his best friend." She commented, shaking her head.
"I kind of agree with her, Bill. I mean, after all the things we heard about Sirius and James Potter, I have a hard time believing he turned to the dark side and had his best friend murdered." Casen said, agreeing with Pandora.
"I can see where you two are coming from, believe me, but I don't want you being hurt by the world because you have a different opinion than everyone else," Bill replied,"I will agree that him killing Potter is suspicious. Maybe we can look into it, we just got to keep it to ourselves so we won't become suspicious to the aurors." He commented, and Casen nodded in agreement.
"Yeah, we wouldn't be able to do anything if the Ministry locked us up in Azkaban with him." Casen murmured, making Pandora nod stiffly.
She wondered if investigating was even a good idea. If they got too deep, the Ministry could catch them, and they could also find out things they didn't want to know. She didn't want to be hurt, but she also didn't want her brother rotting in Azkaban over something she believed there was no way he would do...