Chapter Two

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      When the time came for everyone to get off of the train, Pandora slipped her book back into her bag and zipped it up

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When the time came for everyone to get off of the train, Pandora slipped her book back into her bag and zipped it up. The girl went to grab her bag, but Bill stopped her to grab it for her so she could carry Enzo to the carriages. Pandora didn't want everyone to believe she and Bill had a baby, but the boy was so adorable, she doubted she'd be mad with carrying him around.

"When we get to the carriages, I'll take Enzo. I'd rather you didn't hear all the rumors that started because of Enzo." Bill commented, and Pandora nodded.

Pandora understood that Bill didn't like the rumors, but she couldn't help but wonder if he was using it as an excuse to get away from Pandora after she served her purpose for him. Over the ride, she and Bill talked and got to know each other, and Pandora liked Bill a bit, but she knew friendships never lasted for her.

"Panda!" Nymphadora shouted, getting Pandora's attention.

Pandora turned around to see Nymphadora and Charlie Weasley headed their way. When the two seen Enzo in Pandora's arms, they couldn't help but halt their steps for a second, almost tripping over each other. Charlie was surprised to see his brother allowing anyone other than his family and a couple of his friends hold Enzo, and Nymphadora was surprised to see Pandora holding a baby, since Pandora wasn't very sociable.

"Did you need something, Dora?" Pandora asked, as she and Nymphadora walked side by side.

"Charlie and I are going to ride in the carriage with you and Bill." Nymphadora said, causing Pandora to nod.

Charlie made sure Pandora didn't fall getting into the carriage, since nobody wanted Enzo to be hurt. Once they were in the carriage, Pandora passed Enzo over to Bill, as she took her bag back from him. Charlie planned to help Bill carry his things, since he had a few too many things to carry with him and Enzo. Charlie was surprised that Bill even made it on to the train without dropping stuff.

"See you soon, Panda." Nymphadora said, as she walked away from Pandora at the doorway of the Great Hall.

Charlie and Bill walked further into the Great Hall, finding a spot with their friends. Pandora watched for a moment as everyone walked over to their friends and started conversing about their summer holidays. With a quiet sigh, Pandora found herself a spot away from everyone else to keep from bothering anyone, though she wished she could insert herself into their conversations and make friends.

As Pandora watched the first years get sorted, she wished she could make a difference and make friends way back when she was a first year. Once the first years were sorted, the feast was displayed across the tables. Pandora wasn't very hungry, so she simply grabbed a roll, potatoes, and a little bit of roast. After eating dinner, she grabbed two small chocolate chip cookies for dessert.

After the feast was over, the prefects lead the first years towards their common rooms. Pandora followed slowly after, trying to stay out of everyone's way as she walked. As she walked from the Great Hall, one of the Slytherins came over and tripped Pandora, causing her to stumble slightly. The stumble caused her to fall to the ground on her knees, and she hissed in pain feeling the skin of her knees open.

"Blood traitor!" The Slytherin exclaimed, before he quickly ran off to keep from getting in trouble.

Pandora slowly stood back to her feet, looking down at her knees to inspect the damage. Blood was running down her legs, but her knees weren't bleeding too bad. She could stop at the hospital wing if she wanted, but she knew the simple spell to heal her wounds easily. She planned to get a shower later anyhow, so she didn't have to worry about blood lingering on her skin after she healed herself.

As she walked down the hall, she heard quiet whimpering. Her eyebrows furrowed, before she followed the sound, only to find two second year Gryffindors being bullied by fifth year Slytherins. Yes, she had just been bullied by a Slytherin herself, but these two second years didn't deserve the torment she endured on a daily basis.

"Hey! Get away from them!" She exclaimed, causing the fifth years to look up at her.

"What are you going to do about it, blood traitor?" One sneered, causing Pandora to scowl.

"Expelliarmus." She murmured, quickly disarming all of them.

"Hey! Give us our wands back!" Another cried, actually allowing tears to run down their face.

"If I see you trying to hex anymore younger years, I will snap you and your wands, understand?" She spat, and they simply glared at her.

Throwing their wands to the ground, she watched as they scurried to grab the wands, before they ran off with a quickness. The two second years ran over to her and hugged her.

"Thank you!" The dark haired boy exclaimed, as the redhead nodded in agreement.

"You're welcome," She replied, patting their backs,"I'm Pandora Black, call for me if any Slytherins bully you again, alright?" She said, and they nodded.

"I'm Oliver Wood." The dark haired boy replied, smiling up at her.

"I'm Percy Weasley." The redhead added, looking up at Pandora.

"Nice to meet you both," She murmured, before looking down at Percy,"I met your brothers, Bill and Charlie, earlier. If you're anything like them, you'll have nothing to worry about. Those Slytherins will learn not to mess with either of you. You're strong Gryffindors, and I know you can beat them. Believe in yourself and you'll see just how strong you are." She stated, as she ruffled their hair.

Once she had them smiling, she turned them towards the direction of the Gryffindor common room. She decided to lead them to the common room with her instead of leaving them to find their way. She hoped threatening the fifth years didn't result in worse bullying for herself later on, but she had to help the little kids one way or another...


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. I figured her meeting Percy was a good idea. Besides, little Oliver and little Percy are adorable.

Love you guys!


- Youngblood Xxx

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