Pandora Black was the youngest Black sibling. She was close to both of her brothers, even Sirius, though he had left home when she wasn't even old enough to go to Hogwarts yet. Many things happened in her life that tore down most of her happiness, t...
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The day before the date, Pandora was worried and a little frightened. She had never been on a date before, so she really didn't know what to expect. After lunch, Pandora was able to meet up with Nymphadora under the tree Pandora normally read at.
Ever since her sixth year, Pandora had been wearing whatever she wanted to as her clothes for school. She still wore her robes, but she never wore the actual uniform. She didn't know if it was because the professors didn't care, or if it was because she was a Black sibling, and they remembered how much Sirius didn't care for the dress code often. Not even Snape cared, but Snape also wasn't a really big fan of Pandora, so she didn't care what he thought of her clothes.
Anyhow, once Nymphadora was outside with Pandora, the girl asked her younger cousin to sit down and help her. Nymphadora could tell that her cousin was nervous, so she tried to help in any way that she could. Honestly, Nymphadora had been on a couple of dates in her life, so she knew a little bit about dating—more than Pandora, that was for sure.
"I've never even been asked on a date before, Dora. What am I supposed to wear? What am I supposed to do?" Pandora asked, her fingers running through her unruly hair.
"Panda, calm down," Nymphadora commented, laughing slightly,"I'll help you with your outfit, and I'll make sure you look amazing. Don't worry about what you're supposed to do either. Just be yourself and have fun. Bill has everything planned out already, Charlie's been keeping tabs on him." She said, calming down her older cousin.
"I feel stupid coming to you for advice, since I'm older, and you're supposed to be the one asking me about boys and dates and all that." Pandora murmured, causing her cousin to frown.
"No, Panda, there's no reason for you to feel stupid. You're amazing. You just haven't had any experience, and that's fine. Besides, it just shows you're not an easy shag like all of these other girls," Nymphadora replied,"I'm happy to help you. Matter of fact, we can go pick out your outfit today, so you'll be ready tomorrow." She added, and Pandora smiled.
Pandora lead Nymphadora into the Gryffindor common room, and straight up to her dorm. The girls she normally shared with were either still at lunch, or hanging out with friends somewhere else. Nymphadora looked through all of Pandora's clothes, and she had quite a few potential outfits picked out.
"I have to say, you'll definitely have an outfit for every time Bill brings you on a date." Nymphadora commented, causing her cousin to blush.
"That's if he asks me on another one after this one. For all we know, it could end horrendous because of me." Pandora said, making her cousin frown.
"No," Nymphadora retorted,"None of that. This date is going to be amazing. You and Bill are going to be happy. You're going to go on many other dates, and one day you're going to marry him. When you do, you'll look back on this day and think of how crazy you were being. Honestly, you and Bill will make an amazing couple, and for Enzo you'll be a splendid family." She stated, and Pandora smiled.
"Is it weird that I'm going on a date with a boy who already has a baby?" Pandora asked, feeling a little insecure.
"No, it's not weird. It's not normally happens when you're in school, but it's not weird. Besides, you're very mature—much like myself," Pandora rolled her eyes at her cousin,"You were given the chance because it was good for you and you deserve it. Don't let it slip away." Nymphadora said, and Pandora nodded.
Once Nymphadora had picked out Pandora's date outfit, the two girls left the dorm room and went back outside. Pandora would soon have to run to class, so she figured in all the time she had before class, she could spend it with her little cousin.
By the time classes ended for the day, Pandora couldn't get the date out of her mind. She wasn't as nervous anymore, but she was very, very excited. If she was honest, she never expected to be asked on a date by a boy in Hogwarts, especially one as sweet as Bill Weasley. He was one of the nicest guys she had ever met. Even Sirius, before he went to Azkaban, was a close second in kindness compared to Bill.
Pandora wished she could speak to her brothers again. She missed them more and more each year. Yes, Sirius was a criminal, but he was still her brother. Yes, Regulus had been a Death Eater, but he was trying to do what was right in the end, and like Sirius, he was still her brother and she loved him. The two boys were the only reason she survived Grimmauld Place for so long, and once they were gone, she couldn't stand it anymore. It was the worst place in the world to her, especially with all of the memories, both good and bad, that surrounded each room in the place.
Pandora laid in bed that night, wondering if she'd ever see Sirius again. Yes, he was a criminal. Yes, he was a murderer. Yes, he turned out to be bad, but all Pandora could see was the good in him. He was always the brother that brought her sweets, the one that told her stories when she couldn't go to sleep, and the one that bought her muggle toys to play with when she was little. Regulus did a lot with her as well, especially once Sirius had ran away from home, but both brothers were different in their own ways.
As Pandora slept that night, she dreamed about what her life would've been like if Sirius and Regulus were still around, if Sirius had helped Regulus and never left, if their parents had died before Sirius ran away. The dream was nice, compared to the harsh reality she lived in...
A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter. I am so sorry it took so long for me to update this story. I have been working on so many others, that I forgot to come back to this one. I already have so many new ones in my drafts, but I will definitely work on this one before I post new ones.