I don't want to be your friend anymore

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Oliver's: POV

Dear diary: I start feeling much better, but I still have to say I'm fine at least hundred times in school today. I wish I could turn back the time.

"Bonnie is here." called mom. I went down to the hall and she gave me a hug. "Have a nice day." said Marie. "Thank you." I replied and she smiled. "Don't go." sobbed Elsa and hugged her DW doll. "I'll be home again soon." I said and kissed the top of her head.

(Oliver Gilbert)

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(Oliver Gilbert)

(Oliver Gilbert)

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I walked out and stepped into the car. "Ready for school?" asked Bonnie. "In your dreams." I said. She laughed and started the engine.

 She laughed and started the engine

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But then a bird came flying against us and Bonnie had to brake. I was breathing heavily and horrible flashbacks came up in my head.

"Oliver, are you okay?" she asked worried. "I can't be afraid of cars the rest of my life." I said. "I think this year will be kick ass." replied Bonnie. "Yes." I said. We arrived to school in time. I waved at Astrid, but she ignored me.


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"Omg Oliver." replied Lily and hugged me. "Is he okay, is everything alright with him?" she asked. "Lily, I'm right here." I said. "It's so good to have you back, I've missed you so much." replied Lily. "Let me breathe." said Bonnie. "Has something happened to Astrid?" I asked worried. "She has changed completely since she joined the cheerleader team." said Lily. "I have to talk to her." I replied and went out.


Astrid's: POV

"Hey Astrid." said Oliver. "What do you want?" I asked. "I want to know why you ignore me?" he asked. "I don't want to be your friend anymore." I said. "But we've been best friends for four years." replied Oliver. "Well, that time is over." I said sassy. "Bonnie and Lily were right about you." he replied hurt. "Like I care." I said and left.

Thank you glambertbear for being in my book

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Thank you glambertbear for being in my book

I feel for Oliver

I hope you liked the chapter


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