Why are you here

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Adam's: POV

I got a surprise when I got home. Jack was sitting on the couch with a glass of blood in his hand. I know I should be happy too see my husband, but I wasn't. I'm happy with Elio.


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"What are you doing here?" I asked. "I've missed you." said Jack. "I've moved on." I replied. "I had expected a nice family reunion." he said. "Sorry to disappoint you." I replied.

He told the girls to go to her room and she did as he said. He gave me a glance that filled my body with discomfort. "Why don't you come home to me? I've missed drinking your blood." said Jack with a smirk on his face. "Stay away from me." I replied. "I've missed kissing you lips." he said. I took a glass of water and threw it on him. The water burned his skin and he screamed outta pain. "Your little shit." he said angrily. "The glass was filled with vervain." I replied. "You'll regret this." he said. "Get out of my house." I replied. "As you wish." he said and left.

" he said and left

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I was sitting on the couch and drank a glass of blood. The girls came into the living room and they looked worried at me.

"I see so much of your grandma in your eyes." I said. "Do we look like her?" asked Alice. "Yes." I said. "I miss her." she replied sadly. "Me too." I said. "Grandma was so happy the day I was born, she couldn't wait to tell her friends." she replied. "It was the happiest day of my life." I said with a smile on my face. "We love you dad." she replied. "I love you two too." I said.

I love bond between Adam and his daughters.

I hope you liked the chapter


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