It's a pleasure to meet you

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Astrid's: POV


October 8th 1864: Mystic Falls

The carriage stopped in front of a beautiful mansion. The coachman opened the door and helped me out. Three men came out.


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"Welcome Miss. Petrova." said the man and kissed my hand. "Please, call me Astrid." I replied. "I'm Damon and these are my brothers, Adam and Stefan." he said. "It's a pleasure to meet you." I replied. "Allow me." said Adam and took my bags. "Thank you." I replied. I followed them, but I couldn't walk into the house. "Welcome in Astrid." said Damon. "Thank you." I replied and walked in.

Two girls ran down and they stopped when they saw me. They were so beautiful.

"Astrid, meet my nieces, Katherine and Alice

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"Astrid, meet my nieces, Katherine and Alice." said Damon. "Hello." they replied shyly. "I love you two." I replied and hugged them. "We love your dress." said Alice. "Thank you so much." I replied with a smile on my face.


I made out with Damon and kissed him. I was breathing heavily. He looked worried at me.

"Are you okay?" he asked

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"Are you okay?" he asked. "Yes." I said. He continued to kiss him and my face changed. "Your eyes." I replied scared. I pulled his head aside and bite him. Damon woke up the next morning and saw that his pillow was bloody.

"Good morning." I said. "You drank my blood, you are a vampire." he replied horrfield. "Shhh." I said and put my finger on his lip.

"I'm not scared." replied Damon. "Do you want to be a vampire?" I asked. "Yes, because I want to spend the rest of my life with you." he said and I smiled. I gave him my blood and broke his neck. "Sleep now my love." I whispered.

-End of the flashback-

Thank you glambertbear for being in my book

When Astrid first met Damon

I hope you liked the chapter


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