Adam is a vampire

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Oliver's: POV

I was at the cemetery again and wrote in my diary. Suddenly I heard a hissing sound and I froze. Then it sounded like someone was cutting a body with a knife. I followed the sound and my heart was pounding with fear. I went into a glade and my face turned pale.

A man was leaning against a tree and there was no life left in him. I took a step back and stepped on a branch. Adam turned around and blood was dripping from his mouth. The mechanical smell of blood and death made me dizzy and my head started spinning. I passed out and everything went black.


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I sat up in my bed and screamed. "It was only a nightmare." said Stefan calmly. "Adam is a v-vampire." I stuttered. "We have been it since 1864." said Stefan. "We?" I asked. "I'm also a vampire." he said. "Stay away from me." I replied. "I'm a good vampire, I would never hurt you. I drink animal blood and I'm not like my brothers." replied Stefan. "Okay." I said.

"Vervain is toxic to us and as long as you wear the necklace, nobody can hurt you." replied Stefan. "That's good to know." I said. Then the door opened and mom came in. "Are you okay, I heard you screaming." said Marie. "I'm fine, it was just a nightmare." I replied.

"You know you can tell everything for me." she said. "I know." I replied. She smiled and kissed the top of my head. "I love you mom." I said and hugged her. "I love you too." replied Marie and I smiled. "I'm going to the flower shop, do you wanna come?" she asked. "Can you buy vervain plants?" I asked. Mom looked at me. "It's an odd request." she said. "Please mom." I begged. "Okay, I'll buy it." said Maria. "Thank you." I replied.

Oliver found out Adam's secret

I hope you liked the chapter


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