Chapter 1- Freaks come Out at Night

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I huffed. I was finally done settling down.
I had just moved into my new apartment in San Jose. I was really excited to be getting away from my old life.
Tonight I was gonna go out and celebrate me.
Freshly 21, I needed to relax. I start my new job on Monday, I think my boss is a lesbian, because she was way too personal at the interview, but it paid off.

I smiles at myself.

I hopped in the shower around 7:20 and got out at 7:45.
I put on my 1 piece, short, sleeveless, black and pink romper, and my black laced booties, that zipped up.

I but on a little mascara to make my green eyes pop, and combed out my hair.
Finally time to party.

I thought to myself.

I grabbed my keys, purse and cellphone (even though no one calls me). I turned off the lights and left, taking in my apartment one more time.
"It's all mine." I said overly excited, then I finally left.

I pulled up to a night club, called Fire and Ice.
It was a little outside of the city, and there were two parts of the club.

I walked up to to the door, about to pull out money for the bouncer.

"No need, ladies are free tonight." He said giving me a wink.

I blushed and whispered a quick thank you.

When I got into the building I was hit with a whiff cologne, perfume, sweat, and alcohol.
There were strobe lights grazing over the warm bodies.

"This will be fun" I whispered to myself, then went out to find the bar.

I finally arrived to the front of the bar, stumbling into a stool.

"What will you be drinking tonight, beautiful."
He was a snaggle-tooth latino, but besides his teeth, he okay looking.
I wasn't really a drinker, so all I said was,
"Something to get my blood flowing, but not too much, so I can drive home."

"Two shots of scotch." He smiled a ugly smile and went under the bar.
I laughed.

He came back up with two shot glasses filled with clear liquid.

I gulped both of them down, and a wave of dizziness came over me, and he gave me a sickening smile.

I stood up and stumbled back into the pool of warm bodies.
Fetty Wap my way started playing.
I started bobbing my head, then found my home in the warm bodies.
"Damn this girl can move" I heard similar comments like that.
Well 12 years of dance class will do that for you.
Foreign came on next.
This song was my shit.

I started grinding and dancing.
Once the song ended, I stumbled to the side, it was an exit, and I needed some air.
I was still a little light headed. The door lead to the side alley.

The door slammed shut. I took a few deep breaths, and let the cool breeze hit my sweaty skin. I leaned against the wall.

"Where the hell IS IT?"

I heard a booming voice calling from the back of the alley.

"I-I don't know" another male voice answered.

My first instinct was to go back in the club.
That's none of my business.
But what if that was you? Me and my inner chi argued back and forth until I eventually got my phone out prepared to call the cops. I walked closer to the back of the alley.

I peeked around the corner, and seen about 5 guys gathered around 2 people. A guy and girl, one of the goons was holding a gun up to the girls head. None of them looked that old.

I called the cops and whispered the location.

"Kill her" I heard another say.

I walked out into the alley, and ran towards the guy with the gun.

I elbowed him in the nose, knocking him on his ass and took the gun from him, pointing at all of them.

"What the hell is going on here?" I ask. I tell the people to leave as the guys gathered around me.
There were more, about 3 more, we were having a standoff.

I've never killed anyone, but I wasn't gonna let that determine me.

"Don't let them leave." A guy with curly blonde hair said.
I heard to gunshots go off, and was frozen in shock.

Next thing I know, I was being carried. I was kicking and punching in all directions.

Then I felt a sharp pain on the side of my head and everything went black.

He defiantly spiked my drink... I thought as I drifted into unconsciousness .

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