Chapter 4 - Alone

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There was no clock so I couldn't tell what time it was, but it felt Like three hours. My stomach was growling like a pack of wild dogs.
Speaking of dogs, while I was locked up in here, I heard pitter patter and panting coming from the hallway, which only meant they had dogs.

No doubt angry big guard dogs, but I love animals so I shouldn't have a problem with that.

I was on the bed hugging myself around my tummy, when I heard the door unlock.

"The food is ready, you can come down now, Miss." It was a girl. She had on a maids outfit. She had red hair and blue eyes, and freckles crossing her nose. She was really was a little taller than me, and she was a little thinner than me.

I walked past her giving her a tight smile.

When I walked out the door, there was 2 German shepards that looked at me and growled.

"We have to hurry now Miss, they will attack."
They didn't call of the dogs when they knew we were due downstairs? What the hell?
They started stalking us.
"Stoppen!" I yelled at the dogs in German. They both cocked there heads to the side simultaneously.
"What are you doing?" She asked bunching her eyebrows together.
"They are German dogs I just told them to stop." Then I directed my attention to the dogs who still looked confused, but obedient.

"Sitzen" I say and they sit. I walked up to them and patted them on the head. They stunk really bad, but I didn't really pay it any mind.

"Come on Jason isn't really patient. " she said starting down the stairs and I followed her.
When we got down to the huge kitchen, there were dozens of girls wearing the same maids uniform as the red head. Even though they looked similar in size, they were different in the face. Some tan, some pale, some blonde, some brunette, some bored, some bitchy.
None of them looked scared the slightest bit.

There weren't any black girls, or mixed ones, but they're were one or two Asians.
"This way" she beckoned me to double doors.

Speaking of doors, I didn't see the one we came from yesterday which was odd.
When we emerged through the doors, there was a huge dinning table that could fit at least 25 people. Every chair was taken except the one by Jason.

They all looked at me and Jason smirked.
"I was beginning to think the dogs got you." He said. The girl pushed me over to the chair and I sat down.

She walked over to the other side of the table behind the guy who saved my ass yesterday, and put a hand over his left shoulder. I heard a bell ring and maids emerged from the kitchen bringing plates and big bowls of food to the table, then each one of them position themselves behind each guy at the table, some giggling and others playing with the guys hairs.

What the hell was going on?
Jason was the only one without a giggling maid.
Some of the girls look longingly at him.

"For those of you who don't know, this is our new-comer. Katerina, she belongs to me, but she is not a maid."
Some of the girls mugged me. Why? You wanna be a crazy boys bitch? Be my guess.

"Brittany," he said adjusting his eyes to the red head.
"You are Kat's now." She simply nodded her head, and came over behind me and a new girl came and took Brittany's place.

What did he mean by mine?

Okay since we got that settled, dig in!" He said. The guys started digging in the all sorts of breakfast and lunch foods.

I just sat there looking and listening to the laughs, some of the girls kept glancing at me. Brittany filled my plate with food, I thanked her.

While I ate, I couldn't help but to feel so odd.

I am in a mansion with a gang who kidnapped me, and was gonna kill me a few hours ago, just eating brunch. I am literally owned by the most wanted guy in America, and now I have a fucking MAID.
what the fuck is even happening?

The worst thing about it all is that I know, no one will even attempt to come after me.
I have no friends.
I have no family.
A tear slip down my face but I quickly wiped it off and ate my food slowly.

I am alone.

After lunch the maids retreated back into the kitchen with the plates and bowls.

I stood up with all the other guys at the table. I left the room and was going back up the stairs when I felt someone following me.

I was about to turn into the room I was staying in when all of then sudden I was being pushed into the room at the end of the hall.

Jason's room.

He pulled me inside, closed the door and and pushed me against it.

"Hey shawty" he said running a finger down my face. I tries to get loose from his grasp.

"Please, Jason let go." I said shaking.

"Ah uh" he said chuckling. Then what he did next was so unexpected.

He kissed me. Out of instinct, I started to kiss back.

Making out with you kidnapper?

I bit his lip making him yelp and stumble backwards.
"What the fuck?" I could have sworn I saw steam evaporating off if him.

He came back to me, and pulled my hair causing my neck to be exposed. I was hitting and kicking him, trying to get him to stop, when all of the sudden my face was to the door and hands behind my back.

" I have no intentions on hurting you but I swear next time, I will not hesitate next time you attempt-" he was cut off by a sharp kick to the shin.

I was trying to leave but I forgot his door locked from the inside...
He got up and slapped me in the face causing me to fall on the floor, and kicked me in the stomach causing the wind to be knocked out of me. He pulled me up by my hair.

"What the hell did I just tell you? You are literally the most ignorant bold woman I have ever encountered. But obviously you have never heard of me." His words seethed with venom, and his eyes looked like fire.
"I am Jason fucking McCann, I own you! You don't want these problems cause I will surly fuck you up, if you are bold enough to hit me, then you are bold enough to suffer the aftermath, so I suggest next time you play along or I will make you regret it." He then pulled me out into the hallway, still holding me by my hair, and threw me in my room.

I just layed there and let the tears flow out of my eyes like a waterfall.


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