Chapter 3 - Jason McCann

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Kat's POV

'Okay... Vinny, put her in the room next to mine." The guy with the tattoos said.
"But Jas-" the blonde... Vinny, said.

I was shaking but I tried so hard to keep my composure.

Come on Kat, at least you're not dead.

They took me out the room. It was, a dark hallway, with a few dim lights coming from the cracks of other rooms. At the end of the hall. We went up those metal stairs. Even though there was barely any light, you could visibly see the blood stains on the stairs, and walls.

They basically dragged me up the stairs.
Once we got up them, we were in a room with maps on the walls and a table in the room with a model in the middle of the table. There was a door on the other side of the room. We went out of it, and emerged in a kitchen. It was crazy huge, my dream kitchen, but I didn't have time to take it in before they dragged me through a sitting room and up a spiral staircase.
There were rooms, probably about 7, all of them had a code lock. They took me to the End of the hall and threw me in a room, making me stumble, he untied my hands and the men left, when they closed the door, I heard a click beep. It let me know they locked the door.

I looked around the room.

It looked used. There was a big canopy bed, with a black comforter that looked messy, a empty closet, with a few items of clothing on the floor. The walls were a peach color but there was stains on the wall. I went up to one of the windows, and tried to open it, but it had nails in it.
I looked through the window. There was probably about 20 yards of land then barbed wire fence, beyond that was a thick layer of trees. The sun was just coming up.

I looked around the room, there was a door and it led to the bathroom I went into the bathroom and it was normal sized, but not really clean. The sink had blonde hair in it, and a few lipstick, and mascara stains on the mirror.

The toilet was gross, there were tampon wrappers around the toilet.
Then it dawned on me.
There were other women in here.
This is not the first time this has happened.
Where were the other girls?
Did they rape them?

I started to hyperventilate and back out of the bathroom. I stumbled backwards and landed into some strong pair of arms, I tried to get out of his grip.
He picked me up and threw me on the bed.

I tried to get up, but I was immediately met with a pair of hazel eyes.
His body pressed against mine, his hands were holding mine above my head.
A smirk was playing upon his lips.
My heart was beating out my chest, I was sure he could feel it. If either one of us moved a inch closer, we'd be kissing.

"I came here to set a few ground rules." He said looking down.
Then he hopped up and I sat up. He was tall, but he looked young, almost younger than me. He ran his hands through his brown hair.

"First rule. Don't try to escape, as you can see, I have a beautiful yard, step outside of it without my consent it is a even more beautiful mine field. As a matter of fact, if you try to leave this house without me, or my say so, my men have orders to shoot you, not kill you, the first time, but they will shoot you. So you can try if you want, but it won't end well." He started pacing slowly.

"You will remain in the boundaries with the codes we give you, every room locks from the outside except mine, that locks from the inside. So I will give you the code to this room, but if I lock it from the outside you will not be able to leave till someone comes to release you." He looked at me, and bent down to my level.
"My name is Jason McCann and I am your owner now." He says smirking and biting his lip.

I narrowed my eyes.
"Why can't you just-"

"Let you go? It's either this or die. Simple and the way you begged me for your life back there, you don't wanna die do you?" A gleam was present in his eye.
"Of course you don't. It would be such a waste of a beautiful, strong, young woman." He said sliding his finger down my jaw.
I tried to move but he grabbed my jaw.
"Ah ah ah" he said. He then turned my head and gave me a sloppy kiss on my cheek.

"I will send someone up for you, when breakfast is ready." He said opening and closing the door behind him.

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