Chapter 24 - Move

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Jason's POV

I was ringing Gerald, he answered after the first few.

"What's the move?" he said.

"What?" I asked confused on how he knew.

"Jason, you are the most wanted criminal, and you just had a baby, you don't think I'm gonna hack into the hospital security? I was on my way down there, before I saw how capable Kat was of taking care of herself. That girl is a monster."

I laugh at the irony.

"She told her she would break Fredrick's fingers." I say.

"Well what's the move, we know this isn't gonna be the last time."
I nodded in agreement.

"I want you to activate the electrical fences around the perimeters, and the bombs. Call in a team to set mines around the trees."

I could hear him typing away at the computers.

"We are going to get released today, by the time we leave, have my range rover. Make sure you pack it. One in the glove, two under the seat. I'll leave the keys to the avenger under the seat and take that back home. We'll talk details when I get back."

Gerald said a quick okay , then we hung up.

I was trying to leave this life behind, but everywhere I went, there was always gonna be something chasing me, I have too many enemies. I was beginning to think that keeping Kat here wasn't a good idea...

I went back to the room, and there was the nurse holding Jacey, and Kat was breastfeeding Kai. It was weird to see this.

"There you are, dad!" the annoying nurse said.

"Well Jacey's temperature is running a little low, so we need you to warm her up, before you go. "

I was a bit confused, so she explained.
"Since men's temperature is typically warmer than a women's your body heat will be able to keep her warm, you should do it often at home too." I nodded.

"So sit in that chair" she said pointing to the one by Kat's bed.

"And take off your shirt." I followed her directions, unwilling.

She put the baby on my lap and took of her shirt. I could see her occasionally looking at me.

"Okay and just relax." she says, as she lays the babies little chest on mine, my breathing got slower, but my heart sped up.

"There we go." I'll be back in an hour to get you folks all ready to go. " she then left.

I was looking down at the little life I created. She opened her eyes. They were almost a gold color, breathtaking, Kai's eyes are blue, the same color as my mom's. I never in a million years imagines this. I never wanted kids. But in this moment, I knew I would give anything in the world to protect them.

"Look at you." Kat whispered.

I looked up at her.

She looked so beautiful even if she just gave birth, but looked beautiful breast-feeding Kai. It felt so natural. Like this is where I belonged. Nothing else mattered.

"What?" I ask.

"The world's most wanted, and dangerous criminal, the Psychotic Prince, showing he isn't what everyone thought. That he has the ability to show compassion. The most dangerous man on earth, holding one of the most innocent creatures on earth." she spoke softly.

She was right. I looked down at the baby.

"The way I got here is nothing to be proud of. I kidnapped you, beat you, forced you to do things you didn't want to do-Ruined your life, just to figure out that this is, right here, these babies, this family," I say gesturing towards the twins.
"Is all I ever wanted out of life"

"Jason, do you think if this wouldn't of happened, you would have realized that? You'd probably be somewhere plotting to take over China"
I chuckled, she smiled.

"I'm serious... In some ways I'm basically your savior. " she smiled cockily.

"How could you be happy with me after all the things... I ripped you away from your life!" I didn't mean to get loud with her, it startled the baby. I immediately rubbed her back to sooth her.

"The family I'm in, I probably would have ended up dead. In some ways, you saved me too.
I was kidding myself, with moving. I was trying to hide from the life I didn't want. I knew my father would come after me, but I figured, why not lived in a fantasy until the storm.." she smiled sadly and looked down,

"So you may have hit me, but you didn't hit me as much as my father did, you may have forced me to do some things I didn't care to much for, but, eventually, you gave me 5 people I could call family. You gave me a place to call home a 2 beautiful beings, you gave me something to live for, and somebody to love. Sometimes it takes a storm to make a rainbow."

I truly did love this girl.

About 20 minutes later, the nurses came, to help up get ready and leave.

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