Chapter 23- I'm Not Killer But...

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I woke up from a deep slumber. I looked out the window, it was dawn. I looked over to the hospital couch, and there was Jason. He was sleeping. I smiled, and sat up. We've been here for two days, but we were being released today.

I got up out of the bed and walked quietly to the door of my room, then opened the door. I stepped out into the hallway, and started walking towards the nursery. I wanted to see my children...

"Hello miss, I don't think you should be out here." she said to me.
"Oh it's okay, I was just going to see my babies." I say, slightly annoyed.
She then smiled and nodded as I proceeded to the nursery.
As I arrived in front of the glass windows, I search for them. Then I find then

"Beautiful..." I whisper to myself.

"Indeed" a voice behind me said, scaring me.

I turned around looking at a familiar face immediately making me put my guard up.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I snarled at Deborah, my cousin that spent most of our lives making me miserable.

"Oh dear cousin, you think you could have a child, two at that, without us finding out." she smiled looking passed me.

"Stay away from them," I whisper, venomously.

"Don't worry, I'm not here for them. Let's go back to your room." she said.

My chest tightened, it was taking everything in me not to pounce on her. When we entered my room Jason was still sleep.

"Oh he's cute..." she purred, eyeing Jason.

"And he's mine" I spat at her.

"Down girl," she said smiling.

Unlike me, Deborah was tall, and had porcelain skin, with pretty pink lips and Red hair. Uncle Fredrick use to call her his snow white. He thought she was the most innocent being of them all, until he saw what she did to me.

"Why are you here?" I whisper.

"I need the crescent." she said.

That was my snapping point.

I grabbed her by the shoulders, threw her on the ground, and wrapped my hands around her little neck.

"YOU GRIMY LITTLE BITCH! Mein Vater hat dich geschickt?" I yell furiously, her face was turning purple.

"Hey! Katerina!" I heard a voice behind me yell. But I wasn't listening. Just then, arms wrapped around my waist and I was being yanked off of her.

I started to kick and punch.

"Calm down!" Justin said.

I then took a deep breath and he sat me down.

"What on God's earth is going on in here?" A nurse said opening the door.

I turned to her, visibly angry.

"Go, no one called you in here." i say, as calmly as possible.

"Miss if there is a problem, i would have to see it through." she said, she was obviously scared.

I was about to start yelling at her, when Jason, interrupted.

"It's nothing serious ma'am, just a disagreement. Nothing to be concerned about."

Oh yes there is.

She then nodded, and hesitantly left.

When she did, Jason turned towards me, and then to Deb.

"What the hell is going on. Who is this?" he said gesturing towards her.

"This wench, is trying to get the crest back. She is working with my father." I say.

"Katerina, why the hell would I be working for a dead man?" she said slightly irritated.
The nerve of this woman.

"What do you mean "dead man"?" Jason asked.

"My father killed him, when he returned empty handed." she says nonchalantly.

I thought i would feel a bit of sympathy... But nope. I still wanted to rip her face off.

"Just give me the crest, and stop acting like a child." she said.

"No." i say firmly.
"Uncle Fredrick gave it to me for a reason. It wasn't even his to begin with." i say raising my voice.

"He gave it to you so the Salano Mob wouldn't find it in his possession. They'd wipe out his whole line. He gave it to you, because he didn't care about you."

I raised an eyebrow.
"Why is it so important anyway?" Jason says..
He's been awfully quiet, and i can only imagine what he is thinking.
"Look pretty boy, apparently your line, is a powerful line, that crest dates back centuries. It's worth Billions. It holds a rare blue diamond. All looks and no brains huh?"
He cocked his head to the side and smirked.

Scary Jason.

"Listen here bitch." he whispered deadly to her.
"You obviously don't know who I am, so I'll spare you the detail. But you don't wanna fuck with me, got it? If you want that crest you'll have to pry it from my dead fingers." he said through his teeth.

She looked astonished.

"My father won't like this one bit." she said narrowing her eyes.

"Tell Fredrick, if he wants it do bad, kommt es seine verdammte Selbst bekommen. If he ask nicely, I might not break all his fingers."

She rolled her eyes, but immediately left.

I turned to Jason, and he looked down at me with hard eyes.
He obviously wasn't prepared for what just happened.

"Lay down." he said slowly.



I immediately got back on the bed.

"I'm calling G." he then left the room.

Damn, it's been a while since I've edited, I'm truly sorry. I've been extremely busy, think I'm getting a little writers block. Lol for those who didn't know, I'm sorta making this up as I go, ctfu. But BE ON MY ASS lmfao, if you do, I vow to try my hardest.
Love you, muffins

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