THUNDER ATTACK- Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw

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Y/N- your name

Y/F/M- your favorite movie

Nobody's POV:

   Orange, red, yellow, and brown. All of your favorite colors were represented in autumn. Autumn has been your favorite season since you were a kid. You would always make a big pile of leaves and then jump in it with your friends. Or every time you would hear the rainfall hit your window, you'd run to the kitchen, make a cup of steaming tea, grab your favorite book and read it while listening to the rain outside. But there was a downside to it as well. You were afraid of thunder. If it would last less than 45 minutes, you would be fine. Any other than that- you would get scared and unwanted thoughts would creep into your mind. "What if the electricity goes out?"  "What if lightning will hit the roof of the house and I will get hit?" Those were just some of the thoughts. You knew how to distract yourself, to keep those bad thoughts away. You would clean, sing, dance, read, bake or just watch a movie.  

Today was one of those days when it was raining heavily. You have already made yourself a cup of tea when you heard a bolt of lightning hit. 18.35 read the clock. "Let the countdown begin," you whispered under your breath. 

(time skip)

It has already been 40 minutes and you were getting nervous. Rain has been getting louder and heavier. Lightning was freaking you out already, not to mention you were all alone in your home. Your boyfriend of one year, Bradley Bradshaw,  was out today flying. You were so scared that you tried to call him.

(bold- rooster I italic- you)

"come on, come on, come on- pick up the phone"  

"Hey princess. Everything alright with you?"

" Yeah, well, no not exactly. The rain and thunder are freaking me out. "

"Alright, have you listened to your favorite music, has it been able to calm you down?"

Damn, he knew you well.

"I have, but it just feels like it's going through my right ear and comes out of the left one. I'm so scared. And my thoughts aren't any better. They make me freak out even more," you didn't even realize that you were crying until you felt something wet run down your cheek and drip on your upper lip. When you felt the first tear, you took notice of the condition that you were in. You were shaking like crazy- if someone would've handed you a glass of water it would've spilled- your cheeks were getting damper after each teardrop, and not to mention your breathing- short and quick, you couldn't get the right amount of air in your lungs so you just sucked air in. When you combined all of those symptoms you knew that you were having a panic attack. You dropped the phone 'cause of your shaking hands. The vision was getting blurry, the chest was not letting any air into your lungs because of the tightness. You felt sick, you were crying, shaking, and shivers went down your spine. 

"Y/N! Are you okay? Answer me, please! Honey, please answer me. You're making me nervous.." you heard what he was asking you, his voice covered with confusion and worry. You would have answered the phone but right now you felt too weak. It felt like you were dying.

(at the compound)

Rooster's POV:

"Y/N! Are you okay? Answer me, please! Honey, please answer me. You're making me nervous.." I asked my girlfriend.

I couldn't hear her voice. It was like I was talking into a black hole. 

"Hey, guys! I'm gonna wrap things up in here. Something is wrong with Y/N. She called me in a scared voice, plus it is raining pretty heavily. We can't fly any planes in the air with this kind of weather." I told the crew. Maverick was the first to look up after I said Y/N's name. "Yeah, that sounds like a good plan. Go make sure she's okay" Maverick told me. I wasted no time getting into my car and speeding off to her house. When I got to her house and opened the door the sight was heartbreaking.

Y/N's POV:

I heard the first door open. There he was, standing frozenly at the entrance, staring at me. After a couple of seconds, he rushed over to my crazily shaking and crying small body figure. He scooped me up in his strong and lean arms as if I weighed nothing. "Hey, hey, hey, hey, it's okay. I'm here, see?" he grabbed my hand and caressed it with his thumb "Shhhh, it's alright. I'm not going anywhere. Let's take three deep breaths in and out, together. Alright?" The first one was shaky and sounded unsure. The second one was better, but still a little shaky. The third one was the one that made me proud. "You keep doing that, alright? I'm gonna get you a glass of water," he said to me while picking me up bridal style and setting me on the couch. When he returned, I drank all of the water and set it down on the table. I looked over at him and the puzzling look that was on his face. And with that questioning look came the question: "What happened?"

Me having anxiety or panic attacks wasn't a new thing. I've had them since I went to the sixth grade. The teachers gave us a lot of homework there, and with that came the stress, but with stress came anxiety as well. Nobody knows that I have them, because I want to be seen as strong and independent by everyone. But behind doors- I'm falling apart. I wanted to tell Rooster, but every time I have managed to muster up the strength somehow, I always chicken out. I'm scared that he will leave me because I'm not strong enough.

"I had a panic attack. It started to rain and with just rain, I'm totally fine, but then a bolt of lightning came, and when that kind of thunder lasts longer than 45 minutes- I am going to get unwanted thoughts in my mind that are going to freak me out. When they freak me out I start to panic, collapse, and just ignore all rational thoughts. The end situation is exactly what you just saw." I managed to tell him without chickening out.

He looks at me with so much love, awe, and empathy. Without saying a word, he pulls me to his lap, I put my head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. "I'm so sorry that you had to experience that horrible thing all by yourself. I wish I could've come to you sooner," he whispers to my right ear. He kisses my forehead, then my ear, cheek, nose, and then finally reaches my lips- his eyes asking for permission to kiss me. I nod. He leans in, when our lips meet it's filled with so much love, passion and care that it almost felt like I was dreaming that kiss.

We both pulled away and looked into each other's eyes. "Wanna order take-out and watch Y/F/M?" he asked me sweetly. "I'm down for that awesome plan," I answered, smiling back at him.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Alright that was my first story on wattpad, I hope you enjoyed it and please comment, so I know what to improve 

love you all loads, and have an amazing morning/day/evening/night <33

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