IT'S RAINING COMPLIMENTS (request)- Peter Parker

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Especially for  @cmwhatpad12 💕 Hope you will like it! And everyone else as well!

P.S The whole story is from 3rd person's pov


    One of the bedroom windows had been left open the night before, and now several birds could be heard chirping. A light, gentle breeze occasionally caressed her body. Peter's hand could also be felt gently in Y/N's hair. The way he held her so gently in his arms - as if she were made of porcelain. Admiring Y/N, Peter realized how much he cared for her. The way she looked into his eyes as if searching for the answers to all life's questions. Or the way she hugs him. Strong and firm, yet so tender and sensitive.

    Breathing a little easier, Y/N opened her eyes. Still a little dizzy and blurry, she immediately recognized the hand on her waist. Peter's hand. Pulling the girl closer to him, he hugged her. Y/N felt like chocolate - she melted in his arms. She felt so safe that she let her eyes close for a moment longer.

    Gentle kisses were hidden in Y/N's hair, which only added to the feeling of security. Rolling onto his back with the girl still in his arms, he whispered in her ear: "I love you, sweetheart. You are extraordinary. And gorgeous. You are breathtaking. You care so much for me and I will always be in debt to you for that."

    He felt the girl smile against his skin and placed another kiss on top of the girl's head. "I love you too, Peter," a quiet mumble was heard from Y/N.


(Taylor Swift's lyrics ( "Fearless" ) are in italics)

And I don't know how it gets better than this

You take my hand and drag me head first, fearless

And I don't know why but with you, I'd dance

In a storm in my best dress, fearless

    Taylor Swift's songs were being played all over the house. Coming downstairs, Peter caught you dancing with a spatula being your imaginary microphone. You were wearing one of his T-shirts. With all the bouncing you were doing the necklace he had gotten you was bouncing up and down around your neck.

    A smile formed on his face and started walking toward you. Wrapping his arms around your waist from behind, he placed a small kiss on your shoulder. "You dance amazingly, honey," he said and hugged you even tighter.


    The bathroom door was locked. By you. It was one of those days where you weren't feeling yourself. The one where you wanted to hide yourself under the blanket.

    Standing behind the mirror, your hands roamed the parts of your body that you didn't like. Squishing and pinching your thighs and arms. Sucking in your stomach. Picking at your skin. You felt helpless and disgusted. You wanted to look like anyone else but yourself.

    A knock was heard on the bathroom door. "Honey, are you in there? Is everything okay?" Peter asked. He had every right to worry- you had been alone in the bathroom for over 15 minutes. You just walked to the door and unlocked it.

    Seeing your glass eyes that were threatening to spill tears at any given moment, he came closer to you. His eyes held so much empathy and pain. It only took him a few moments to understand what was going on. Seeing your shirt thrown down on the floor, your face red, and your eyes reflecting light because of the tears that were going to fall on your cheeks- you were feeling insecure. "Oh honey," he cooed and took your hands in his, "are the bad thoughts bothering you again?" Your lip trembled a bit and you nodded. Not long after the tears were streaming down as well.

    Gently pulling you into him, Peter hugged you. "Darling, you are the most beautiful person that has ever walked on this planet. I know that it is hard to believe what I am saying but please try. I will always be here and will always help you in any way I can. I will cheer for you, listen to you, and will no matter what help you. You are my sunshine and I can not let my sunshine fade away. You are truly beautiful, smart, and amazing. I love you," he praised and affirmed you. You couldn't bring yourself to speak but therefore nodded in response and mumbled a quiet "I love you too" back. 


Love you all loads  <333333

Have an amazing morning/day/evening/night <333

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