GOOD GIRL - Steve Rogers

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A/N This is a spicy chapter, so basically smut. If you do not like these stories, then I recommend you don't read this part. I hope everyone likes it and is kind to this story <33.


PS  This story contains: sub!female x dom!male, praising kink, names (good girl, pretty girl)



    Do you think you can escape me? Do you think you can hide from my radar? No, I've had my eye on you since the first time I saw you. I've given us a lot of thought. Tell me, have you?

    Even if you haven't, I'll still call you mine. I'll call you mine until the end of my days.


    Some unknown artist's song was blasting through the house, and everyone's hips swayed to the rhythm. But the one person who was swaying most perfectly was Y/N.

    She wore a red dress that was way too short and tempting to rip off her body. Her perfect hair falls down her shoulders.

    Even if I'm standing far away, I can see her expression. She's captivated by music and looks at home when she hears music's melodies.

    "I wonder if we got away from all this crowd, will her moans make me feel like that too?" I think to myself.

    The music turns towards a more upbeat tune, and her eyes shoot open. Her lips part, and a smile appears since it must be one of her favorite songs. She raises her arms, and I can see her singing along to the lyrics.

    Oh gosh, is it possible to be this obsessed and in love with someone? I'm not even standing beside her, but I can feel her energy influencing me. I smile and throw my drink down my throat, the whiskey burning in my throat.

     "I'll be back in a second," I tell Bucky and Natasha. I know they looked at each other with smirks, but I don't care.

     All I want is Y/N.

    The one woman who makes every room brighter when stepping into it. The one woman who manages to put a smile on your face between your tears and the one who lets you cry in their arms until you feel better. All I want is her- no one or anything else, just her in my arms.

    Stepping on the dance floor, multiple people with drinks bump into me. You can smell the alcohol and sweat from others dancing and talking.

    I make my way through the crowd until I'm beside Y/N. "Steve!" she exclaims, "I was wondering when you would show up and dance with me."

    I smirk at her, take her hand, and twirl her around. She starts laughing at this gesture and places her hands on my shoulders.

    My body's on fire, and I suddenly feel very hot. "You smell nice," Y/N whispers into my ear. I smile at her: "Why, thank you, darling." Y/N chuckles, and I swear I saw her cheeks turn darker.

    We dance and talk to a few songs until Y/N tugs at my arm. "Come with me," Y/N says before leading me off the dance floor. As we're walking, the music that once was loud is now getting quieter.

     Her hand is still in mine and tugging me closer to her. I picked up my pace behind her and finally saw where she'd taken me.

    We're standing in front of her bedroom. Y/N opens the door and walks inside, with me following right after. Her room is dark- only the light coming through the windows is making the room brighter.

    "Sit down. I've got something to tell you," Y/N's voice is bold and demanding. I've never seen her this confident, but it makes me want her even more. The way she's acting is hot and turning me on even more.

    I sit on the edge of her bed and wait for her to start talking again. Slowly, Y/N walks closer to me and pulls my tie towards her.

    "I've seen the way you look at me, Steve. There's no need to deny that. What you haven't seen are the thoughts in my mind when it's past midnight," she's now removed my tie and looks so pretty before me. I stare at her lips and try to stop myself from fucking her right here, right now.

    "Oh yeah? Well, I surely hope I've given you a lot of ideas before you fall asleep," I look at her. Her face holds a smirk, and she moves even closer to me. I can smell her hypnotizing perfume and lean closer to her.

    "Oh, you've given me a lot of ideas, Mr. Roger," she pouts and whispers in my ear, "then what do you say we recreate some of them tonight?"

    I waste no time. I pull Y/N down to sit on my lap and kiss her. One of my hands pulls her closer from the back of her neck, the other one I wrap around her waist. I slide my tongue into her mouth and win the dominance fight by biting her lower lip. She tugs at my hair and moans in my mouth. Her legs wrap around my torso, and I flip us over so she's under me.

     I kiss down her neck, leaving behind pretty purple hickeys. I suck right below her ear, and another moan escapes her mouth.

    "Now, now, pretty girl, be patient. I'll give you what you want," I whisper in her ear in a low voice. She whimpers and pulls me in for another kiss. My hands travel down her body and kiss down her chest. I toy with her tits for a while, and her moans fill the room. Her moans send me to heaven: "Don't stop making those noises for me, baby."

    I move down her body, towards her legs, and part them. She arches her back, but I push her down into the mattress. "I told you to be patient, darling. You do want to be a good girl for me, right?" I ask her with a smirk. "I do, yes, I want to be a good girl for you," she whimpers.

    "Good girl."


    "C'mon, pretty girl, just one more. One more, baby," I tell her as she's riding my cock for the second time tonight. She whimpers, and I put my hands on her waist, guiding her. Her head falls back from pleasure. "Oh god, I'm coming," I help her ride out her orgasm.

    I pick her up and place her down next to me. I pull her close to me and play with her hair.

    "You did so good to me, darling. You were amazing," I say to Y/N softly and kiss her forehead.

    "Mm, and you were amazing as well. I think this might've been one of the best nights of mine," Y/N looks up to me and smiles.

    I place a hand under her chin and kiss her once again. I don't think I'll ever get enough of her. Especially her lips, they're too perfect. She's perfect.

    "Let's get you cleaned up, and then we'll go to sleep, okay?" She nods, and I pick her up with ease. I take her into the bedroom and give her a warm bath. Afterward, I lay beside her in the bed and looked at her.

    "I don't know how you can look so perfect and beautiful. And not just your looks, I mean your soul," I told her. She chuckles.

    "I don't know, but I do know that I love you, Steve Rogers. With all my soul and heart."

    "I love you, Y/N L/N, with every cell in my body."


I hope you all enjoyed this story, don't be afraid to comment or vote!
Have an amazing morning/day/evening/night <3333

Love you all sooo much <33

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