WILD NIGHT- Tom Hardy*

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A/N Hello! As you may noticed this story has a symbol next to it (*). That's because this is a spicyy chapter (so yes, this is a smut chapter). I don't normally write these types of stories but since I've been away for quite some time, I think I owe to you. Enjoy my lovelies <333
PS!! Everyone is 18+ in this story and everything is consensual!
This story contains: dom!male x sub!fem, daddy kink, praise kink, begging, dirty talk, at the end aftercare.
If you are not comfortable with these, please do not read.

Have you ever had a feeling that's so sudden but made your whole day? Just out of the blue, a wave of excitement, love, or energy comes washing over you. All you can feel is the feeling running down your body and relaxing into it. Gosh, it feels good, doesn't it?

Just like right now. Tom's head was buried between my legs and I've been to heaven too many times already.

"Such a good girl for me, doing so good," Tom whispered, placing kisses on my inner thighs. His rough hands ran down my legs and then up to my hips.

I grabbed the bedsheets as I felt the wave of pleasure build up inside me. A needy moan left my mouth and I lifted my hips closer to Tom's face.

"Oh, gosh," I moaned, "I'm cumming." Before I could let go, he pulled away. I whimpered and looked into Tom's eyes. His eyes were dark and filled with lust and hunger. He moved closer to my mouth with his kisses. A trail of soft kisses was left on my body until Tom's mouth was on my neck. Leaving me breathless with each kiss, I closed my eyes.

"Oh, my sweet girl, I want to have some fun too," he whispered in my ear. My whole body was craving his touch. I needed him so badly. I pushed myself closer to him but he pushed me down onto the mattress. "Turn, around, on all fours." I did as told and turned around, supporting myself on my knees and arms.

Without a warning he inserted two fingers, causing me to scream out in pleasure. I started to move my hips faster because I needed more friction.

"Stay still for me baby," Tom said in a stern voice. I whimpered in response. "Aww, my poor baby is so needy today, huh? Tell me how bad you need me to fuck you, baby," he said as he pulled his fingers out and kissed my back. "C'mon, pretty girl, tell me what you want me to do."

"Please," I moaned, "I need you, please just fuck me." I looked into his eyes and kissed him. I ran my hands down his toned body and positioned myself so I was on his lap. "Please fuck me, Daddy," I whispered in his ear.


"You did so good for me, darling. You were so good and pretty for me. I'm so proud of you, sweetheart," Tom showered me with kisses as we lay on the mattress after an amazing night together. He held me close to his chest and was placing kisses into my hair.

Slowly, the sleep was taking over me and making me feel tired with each second.

"Goodnight, darling, I love you," Tom whispered and kissed my forehead.

"I love you too."
Hope you liked it!
Love you all sooo much, have a great morning/day/evening/night <333

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