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    A soft yawn escaped my mouth before I opened my eyes. The curtains were closed, yet some strings of light shone through. The air in the bedroom was cold and made you wonder why anyone would want to get out of bed. Beneath the blanket, it was warm and comfy.

    Slowly coming out of the sleeping state, I batted my eyes open. I looked around the room and curled up. I really didn't want to leave my soft and warm bed.

    What added more comfort were Charles's hands around my waist. He held me tightly. Charles's face nuzzled in my hair, and my back pressed against his chest. He was still sleeping. Carefully, I slipped out of his grip and got out of bed. I was right- it was chilly without the blanket.

    Pushing the blanket aside, I stood up. I cursed as my feet came in contact with the freezing floor. I tiptoed ever so quietly yet quickly to the dresser. I grabbed a pair of fuzzy socks. From another drawer, I pulled out Charles's hoodie.

    Quietly, I walked to the bathroom. In there, I got dressed and combed my hair. I decided that today, I would wear my hair in a braid. I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled- I loved how I looked.

    I got out of the bathroom and looked at my sleeping boyfriend. His brown hair was messy, and the blanket was messily over his body.

    Walking down the stairs, I finally reached the kitchen. I drew the curtains of the living room and started to make myself a coffee.

    Turning on the lamp in the kitchen and lighting a candle, I decided to make pancakes.

    "Oh! I forgot the music," I said as I ran to get the speaker.

    Happily dancing and singing along to the music, the pancakes were slowly getting ready. I swayed my hips to the rhythm and hummed along.

    A pair of hands wrapped around me from behind and pulled me closer. Charles's lips left kisses on my shoulder and the back of my neck.

    I smiled- he knew I loved hugs from behind and kisses on the neck. They made me weak in the knees.

    "Bonjour, mon chéri," Charles's whispered in my ear.
    "Morning, honey. How'd you sleep?" I asked.
    "Great," Charles hummed, "until you left."

    The pancakes were now ready. Charles turned me around and kissed me passionately on the lips. I closed my eyes and felt my cheeks heat up. Charles's lips left mine, but I kept my eyes closed. My smile widened when I felt Charles kiss my forehead. This man will be the death of me, always making me feel weak in the knees and making me blush.

    "I love you, darling," he said, looking me in the eyes. He smiled.

    "I love you too, handsome," I answered and kissed him once again.
I love you all so much!!
If you could be so kind, I would love if you could give me some feedback or writing ideas!
I hope you have an amazing morning/day/evening/night <3333

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