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The way you walked in. The way you said hello to others with that stupidly sweet smile on your face. The way your eyes scanned the room, looking for someone to talk to. Someone familiar. Someone safe.
And you glanced my way. You looked at me and made your way to me.
You spilled some of your drink because someone bumped into you. Yet you didn't look away and you didn't turn away. You saw a path leading to me and you walked it with no hesitation. Getting closer to me you didn't change your mind about talking to me. Cliché saying it but you found me in a crowded room.
Oh, how I felt like an expensive shiny diamond that you picked out. I was the one you chose to admire.
You knew who you wanted and what you wanted to know. You placed your drink on the table that was beside me and sat down.
Your mellow and ambrosial perfume filled the atmosphere around me. It was like a soft and safe blanket around my shoulders. It was obvious that you wanted to impress people that night at the bar. And that you accomplished.
I wasn't expecting someone to come talk to me. Especially someone like you. Well dressed, mature, and of course perfect smelling. I was observing others, not expecting it to be the other way around. Yet it was. And I am so grateful for that.
You introduced yourself. I told you my name. You asked me questions and so did I. We talked all night in that little bar booth. We laughed at each other's childhood memories and we made fun of our teenage years failures. We bonded within a second and that bond grew stronger with each passing second. After a story, there came another. And another. The word "silence" was something we weren't familiar with.
Reaching the present with our stories, we finally stopped and caught our breaths. Already breathing slower, I opened my eyes only to see that you were in awe. Unnoticeably the gap between us was getting shorter and shorter.
Your eyes were just reflecting me. I could see that I was the only person you were looking at in this whole bar. The same was with me.
I lost every ounce of control over my body and I leaned into your touch. It felt as if you were the missing puzzle piece I had been looking for. And now I can finish my picture.

    "What you thinking about, sweetheart?" he asked me in a gentle voice. He could show up at random times but when he announces his presence he never makes it shocking. You are surprised but never startled. He approaches in a gentle and caring way, the way you feel safe and protected.
    "About the first night. When we met. And how magical it was," I answer and look at him with a soft smile. His eyes lit up and he can't help but smile as well. One of his hands pulls me closer by my waist. Before kissing me, he stares into my eyes and then leans in. The kiss is the same amount of magical as it was when it happened the first time.
    My stomach turns and all the butterflies start flapping their wings in it. My cheeks start to get warmer and turn into a soft color of pink. Smiling 'cause of the joy, I pull back from the kiss and hug my man. Tightly and securely.
    "I am never letting you go," I whisper in his ear.

Didn't know that I was this poetic but I love how this story came out. And I hope you liked it as well!
Love you all loads and have a lovely morning/day/evening/night <3333

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