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It was a stormy night. Like the ones that you see in horror movies. Well, a horror movie was the right word to describe Y/N's sleep right now.

(time skip, BACK)

It was a peaceful evening. Y/N and Austin were just relaxing after a busy day. They both had to run errands today- Austin had to do some photoshoots and Y/N had to do a few interviews and a couple of projects for her interior design company, where she works as the CEO, so a lot of emails and talking with clients.
Austin always admires her dedication, discipline, and ability to talk to people in such a way that she never tires from it. She was stressed after that long and dreadful day, that all she wanted was just to cuddle and eat ice cream while watching her favorite TV show. Luckily, her boyfriend wanted that as well. So now that they had made up a plan- the only thing that they needed was two spoons to eat ice cream. Ice cream eaten, TV show episodes watched- it was time to go to bed. Austin was the first to go brush his teeth, while Y/N was changing into her sleeping clothes. Then they switched- Y/N was doing her skincare and Austin was already climbing under the warm covers that were on top of the mattress. When she walked out, you could already hear the raindrops falling against the window. "Goodnight, bubba," said the girl. "Goodnight, my princess," she heard Austin answer in a sleepy voice.

(time skip+ dream is written in italic)


I was walking on an abandoned road, in the middle of nowhere. Great, just great. It's like you could already feel that something bad is going to happen to you- but when will it happen, no fucking idea.

I tried to make a noise to show that I was here too. "Hello? Anyone here?" I yelled out, "Austin, are you here?" No answer. Until I turned around, trying to see my surroundings. Then I saw him- if you could even describe him as a human anymore. His ribs were exposed as if he has been cut open with a butcher's knife. His mouth was sewed higher, almost touching his eyes. In his hands he was holding a knife, that was dripping from blood. I was frozen, along with my mind. "Don't worry darling, I won't take much from you," he said while stepping closer to me. My brain just went into 'fight or run mode. I didn't do any of those options, I screamed bloody murder. "NO, NO,NO, NOOOOOO-"

I was cut off by someone shaking me violently and loudly repeating my name over and over again- "Y/N, Y/N, come on wake up!" I recognized that voice. I was Austin's voice. I shot up from my side of the bed into the arms of my boyfriend. "shhh, it's alright. It was just a dream. It wasn't real, what's real right now is me talking to you and rubbing your arm. You are in our bedroom and I am here. Okay?" he talked to me in a calm and soothing voice. I couldn't muster up any words, so I just nodded. I tried to breathe normally, but I wasn't able to and Austin must have taken notice of it because the next thing he said to me was: "shhh, it's alright. Now let's get your breathing back to normal. We're going to take deep breathes in-and-out. Nice and slow," he instructed me, while I was focusing on my midnight task "that's it. I'm so proud of you princess. Let's do that three more times- together." When I was able to breathe, he cradled me in his arms and kissed my forehead, while stroking my hair.
    His arms were holding me securely, tightly, and were just telling me to let go of it and relax. So I did- I let go of all of my tension from my body bit by bit and then fell back to his toned chest. "Do you want to talk about it, or do you want to write it out in your journal?" he asked me, still rubbing my back in a comforting way. "I think I might write it all out tomorrow morning in my journal. If you want to read it, you can," I replied, feeling the tiredness take over me again. As soon as I closed my eyes the dream replayed in my head, and that meant that my eyes shot back open not allowing me to fall asleep. "hey, it's alright, I'll protect you from any harm that might come near you tonight," he chuckled, while keeping a tone where you could hear the promise that he had just made for me. I smiled at him and tried to get some sleep because I really needed it. The last thing I remember before falling asleep was Austin kissing my forehead and whispering "I love you, princess. Sleep well." I mumbled an "I love you too" back and then I was out like a light, sleeping more peacefully than ever.


Alright, guys, this was my second story. I hope you liked it. Please comment and vote.

Good morning/day/evening/night <333 love you all loads <333

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