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Y/N's POV:

Why? Why can't I look like them? Is there something wrong with me? Why did he choose me? He deserves someone better than me. Am I ever going to be enough for someone? I just want to be enough for someone, for once.

I was all alone, curled up in a ball on the couch, going through the unwanted thought that my mind was feeding me. My hands were shaking, my eyes concentrate on one specific spot on the floor, and I was biting my lips and the inside of my cheeks.

The spot next to me dipped slightly which indicated that Austin had come home. I was so drowned in my unwanted thought that I didn't even hear him enter. His arms wrapped around my body figure and pulled me closer. He knows that I have these types of days sometimes and I don't need solutions, I need someone to show me the way out of the darkness again. Sometimes my candle burns out and needs someone to share their light so I won't get lost in the darkness.

He holds me tightly and securely, making me feel safe. I close my eyes and rest my head on his chest. One of his hands comes up to my head and starts playing with my hair. Small kisses are being placed on my forehead and in my hair.

"You're doing so good. I'm so proud of you," he whispered, "I'm here and I'm not planning on letting you go, sweetheart."

I tried to match my short and shallow breathing with his calm and deep breaths. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I hugged him tightly as a thank you. "I love you," I whispered in his ear. He kissed my temple and returned the feeling: "I love you too, sweetheart."


Another story is completed! It was a bit short but I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless. Don't be afraid to vote/comment/request <33
Have an amazing day/day/evening/night <3333

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