RACE TO YOUR HEART (request)- Slick Clyde

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A/N This was a requested story. Hope everything is how you wanted it @Alexaaandra301. Enjoyy!

PS! This story has mentions of guns, cussing, and shooting.



    Oh, for fuck's sake, leave me alone!

    I pressed the gas pedal to the floor and held on for dear life. I checked my rearview mirror to see if the thieves were still after me. I knew what they were after- my black Corvette. I took it from them, but seriously- leave me alone now!

    Today was supposed to be a somewhat average day. I had to drive to a skate competition and then come back home, nothing else. But now, because of this bullshit, with the thieves trying to steal my car, everything went wrong.

    I made a few tricky turns and maneuvered between the cars on the main road, but the thieves- they were determined. They wouldn't back down. I turned right onto some side road where there were no cars.

    I drove faster and made trickier turns to get off of my tail. All of a sudden, I heard a gunshot. They shot at my car.

    "Seriously- let it go," I thought to myself. I opened one of the compartments in my car and pulled out a gun. I peeked out of my window and shot back at them. There were three cars. I tried to shoot at their tires and luckily hit one of the car's front tires.

    Their cars stopped, and I turned back to the main road. I slowed down and looked at my car- it was a bit damaged but still decent-looking. I drove on and was closer to my destination. I turned the radio up and sang along to the lyrics.

    Everything was fine for twenty minutes until the same enemies appeared. I turned the radio down and hung my head with a loud sigh. I was so sick of them.

    I noticed that now there were a total of six cars. "That's weird. Why do they need that many cars?" I thought. But then something caught my eye. A beautiful navy blue car drove a few feet ahead of me.

    I added speed and looked at the driver. Of course, I should have known. It was no other than Clyde. I glanced at him and nodded as a hello. He motioned for us to work together and get rid of the thieves.

    We worked together and got rid of them. I looked back once again in the rearview mirror and smiled. I added a bit of speed and drove next to Clyde. I let my mirror down, and he did as well.

    "Hey!" I yelled, "Thank you! I don't think my car would've stayed in one condition if we didn't work together."

    He smiled and laughed: "No problem, love." I thought about inviting him to watch my skating competition. As a way of saying thank you.

    "I'm going to a skating competition. I thought maybe you wanted to come along! You know, as a thank you," I said with a smile.

    "Well, I can't say no to that kind of offer," Clyde said with a smirk.

(time skip)

    We drove for a whole hour until we reached the competition. I parked and got out of the car. I saw Clyde walking towards me, and I smiled.

     The way the sun shone on him made him look so fine. He had sunglasses on, and his hair was a bit messy. He walked over to me and made our way to the entrance.

    As we stepped through the entrance, I heard all the contestants must go to the starting line, so I rushed and shot Clyde a look to apologize.

(time skip)

    I could see the finish line, and I added speed. A few more seconds, and I crossed it! I did it, I won!

     I was so happy and looked up at the crowd where Clyde stood. He clapped at me and cheered for me. Then I saw him come down from the stadium to congratulate me.

    I ran toward him and hugged him. "You were amazing," Clyde said into my ear.

    "Since you asked me to come here, what do you say I take you out now? Maybe to a nice restaurant or something?" he asked, a hopeful look plastered across his face.

     I smiled and nodded: "Or something."


Love you all loads and have an amazing morning/day/evening/night <3333

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