RECORDING- Abel, The Weekend

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A/N currently I am out of ideas, so if any of you have any good ones I am more than happy to write those. Also I have no idea what's so ever about recording songs nor have any idea how many people can be in the recording room- so just roll with the story! Another thing- this story might be a bit short but I do hope you will enjoy it!

Y/N- your name

L/N- last name



The clock read 10.47 p.m and it was slowly getting darker and darker with every passing moment. You were watching your fourth movie of the day while waiting for your boyfriend to get home from his recording session. He left in the morning and still hasn't returned. He had some new songs he wanted to record so you figured that he might be staying late because of that. When the movie you were watching ended, you made up your mind and drove to the place where he was recording.

Since it was already late at night, not many people were wandering out in the street and the roads were mostly empty. Getting out of your car, you made your way toward the building door.

    When inside you were walking towards the room where Abel was. Opening the right door you stepped inside and saw Abel singing. Other people noticed you and smiled kindly. You waved back at them and took a seat on the couch. When he noticed you, his face formed a sweet smile. He came over to you and hugged you tightly. His face was resting on one of your shoulders and placed kisses there. "I missed you, baby," he whispered in your ear. You kissed his temple and answered: "Missed you too, are you close to finishing?" He lifted his head from your shoulder and looked into your eyes before answering: "I have a few more songs I need to finish singing." You looked down and a small frown formed on your face. He kissed your forehead and added: "I'm sorry, baby. I'll try to finish in here as quickly as possible, okay?" You raised my head and nodded. "Well go on then, those songs aren't gonna record themselves y'know?" I ushered him.

(time skip)

    By now it was really late and you were growing more tired and tired after each passing second. The eyelids of yours were feeling as if they weighed a ton and the yawns that were escaping from your mouth indicated that you were slowly falling asleep. After some time you were deep in slumber land and sleeping peacefully. The famous singer had two last songs to record but between them he checked up on you frequently. When he saw you asleep he covered you with a blanket and kissed your forehead. Admiring your sleeping figure he stroked your hair and placed gentle kisses all over your face. You stirred in your sleep but were quickly put back asleep when you heard your boyfriends voice talking: "shhh, it's alright. Go back to sleep, baby." You didn't really care how the two of you would get back home so you responded with a sleepy smile. Giving you the last kiss on the forehead you went back asleep.
Another (short) story completed. I hope it was okay, but yeah.... Don't be afraid to comment, vote or request any story ideas!

Have an amazing morning/day/evening/night <333

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