TROUBLE SLEEPING- Marcus Lopez Arguello

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Y/N's POV:

Staring at the ceiling in the dark, I try to fall asleep. I've tried everything- counting sheep, drinking hot tea, meditation, stretching, reading, writing- and I've yet still failed to fall asleep. I get up from my bed (again) and go to my phone. I quickly search for his number and press the call button. Raising my phone to my ear, I hear the ringing which indicates that it's now up to him whether he picks his phone up or not. Thankfully he does.

His groggy voice was heard on the other side saying: "Hello? Y/N? Why are you calling me this late? It's two in the morning."

I don't reply to him straight away. I gather my thoughts and try to put them together in a sentence. When I have, I inform him: "I don't know why I called you. All I know is that I can't fall asleep and that every method to help me has failed. So now I'm on the phone with you and hoping that you can help me."  His breaths are slow, but the noise coming from the background indicates that he's moving. "Marcus?" I question but no answer. I try again: "Marcus? Are you there?"  "He is a man of wonders and mystics," I think to myself. "If you mean am I at your door then yes, yes I am. Now open the goddamn door because it's fucking freezing outside," I hear Marcus speak after the silence. I quickly ran to my front door and opened it. And there he was- a random shirt was thrown over his toned body, his dark hair messy, and a jacket that was zipped halfway. As soon as our eyes met, he hugged me. I buried my head in the crook of his neck and his grip around my waist tightened. "You came when I called you," I mumbled in a small voice. "I couldn't let my girl be sleep-deprived" he chuckled and pulled away to see my face. He picked me up and headed straight to my bedroom.

Carefully laying me down on the bed, he got under the blankets as well. "Try to fall asleep now, okay?" he said and a small yawn escaped from his mouth. I smiled and let out a small "yes" while closing my eyes. His hand was around my waist and his head was in my hair. I felt a small kiss being placed on my head and with that, I slowly fell into a deep slumberland.


Another story added to the book and I hope you enjoyed it!
Don't be afraid to comment/request/vote <3
Love you all loads and have an amazing morning/day/evening/night <333

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