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A/N this is just a short and sweet oneshot. Writing this made my heart melt and I hope it brings a smile onto your face as well. Enjoy, my lovelies!


10.07 a.m

    Oh, how I love slow mornings. You can wake up, go back to sleep, and then wake up again. You can hear the birds chirping through the window you had left open the night before. A soft, light breeze will caress your peaceful face. You can pull your blanket to your chin and nuzzle deep into your pillow. Trails of sunshine make the room brighter and happier.

    And there's no rush. You can just lay in bed and imagine pretty fantasies. You can feel how deep and slow your breaths are. You have finally reached the final level of calmness and relaxation.

    A soft smile appears as I feel someone's grip on me tighten. Chris pulls me closer and leaves a trail of soft kisses leading up to my hair. "Good morning, sweetheart," he whispers in my hair, "how'd you sleep?" Gosh, I loved his morning voice. The way that it was so deep and sexy. I took a deep breath before answering: "Morning, I slept very well."

    Carefully and gently, Chris turned me over so we were face to face. Looking deeply into my eyes, he leaned in to kiss me. His actions reflected protectiveness and much love. Pulling away, I saw that he had a smile on his face.

    The way his smile was so comforting and calming. Subtle dimples would form in the corner of his mouth each time he would smile. And then he would lightly chuckle because he would catch you admiring him. In conclusion, his smile holds much love. The love that you can see with your own eyes.

    "You know, it is Saturday. What do you say if we lie in bed all day?" he asked softly. I was grinning like a little girl who just got a pretty dress as a present. I loved that idea. "I would love that," I replied.

    And that's how the day went by. We watched movies, played board games, and talked about anything that came to our minds. 


I hope you enjoyed it. Love you all loads and have an amazing morning/day/evening/night <3333

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