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Y/N's POV:

Orlando was out filming his new movie called 'Pirates of the Caribbean". It was exciting for him. When he got the callback, saying that he got part, he jumped out of his seat. He smiled brighter than ever. We made a promise, saying that I should visit him on set at least after two weeks. You know so that he wouldn't forget my face and how beautiful I am. What a gentleman. So that's what I am going to do today. I woke up straight after him- and he got up at 04.00 am. I tried to sleep a bit more after that, but I couldn't since the excitement in me was bubbling.

You see- Orlando had asked me to come to visit him today, but I said that I had to work and finish off some emails. He was sad, but what he didn't know was that I had a surprise visit planned for him. I wanted to surprise him with something- I had worked my ass off at my job and at school to get to my dream job. He has helped me with my homework and has spent a lot of long, sleepy, and dreadful nights staying awake with me. And I am so thankful for that because I think that without his help I would've given up already. And yesterday night I got an email saying that I had passed all of my exams and I had gotten the promotion. Now it was my turn to jump out of my seat and smile wider than ever before.

Today's outfit was simple but classy:

It was time to get going. I packed the last things in my bag- my phone wallet, keys, and some other things. The drive to the set was making me nervous somehow- like there were butterflies set free in my stomach. All of a sudden my phone rang, I looked who it was- it was Johnny Depp. I picked it up.

(bold- Johnny l italic- you) *phone call*

"hey kid, how's the drive to the set going? You're still coming, right?"

"of course, I'm coming! Who do you think I am, leaving my best friend all alone on the set with no one funnier than me? huh?"

"You have a point kid- there is no one funnier than you. I am counting on you alright? Oh, and did you-"

"got you a bagel along with a cake pop. Calm your nerves pal, I know you well," I answered with a light chuckle.

"Yes you do- see ya kid!"

"see you, pal," I said goodbye.

Johnny was the only person who knew about the surprise- he was like a father figure to me. Always looking out for me and protecting me, he even went that far to talk with Orlando about the 'if you ever hurt her, then...' talk. He was so scared after that. But for me, it looked like a very sweet gesture to keep me safe.

I didn't even realize that I got there. "hey kid! You made it, now where's that bagel?" Johnny asked me with a smile. I chuckled and handed him the bagel. "Where is he?" I asked about Orlando. "Right through the door," he answered. I shot him a smile and ran through the doors. And there he was- my Orlando in his costume. And might I add- he looked hot. I admired him for a minute and then began walking towards him.

I heard the director yell that it was time for lunch and everyone quickly made their way to their trailers. I kept my eyes on Orlando and went after him. When he stepped into his trailer- that was my cue to run up to the door and knock on it. "Come in!" I heard him yell, but I didn't go in yet. I wanted him to open the door himself and then see me. After about fifteen seconds, I heard rustling come from the other side of the door. When he opened the door, he quite literally froze. He was so surprised that it started to scare me. "Honey? You alright?" I asked him. Instead of answering he picked me up and spun me around while holding his arms securely around my waist.

"What are you doing here? I thought you said you couldn't come to visit me today. You had some work to do," he asked me confused, after setting me down on my feet. "Well, actually, a little birdie told me yesterday night, that I had gotten my promotion- which also means that now I have a new job and that all of the sweat, tears, joy and the late-night study sessions paid off," I told him smiling widely. He was beaming with joy and gave me the biggest bone-crushing hug, not to mention a big kiss filled with happiness, love, and pride. "I can't even begin to describe how proud I am of you. You deserve it so much," he said. To answer him I kissed him. "Thank you for being my biggest fan and supporter through all of my tough and easy days. I appreciate it so fucking much," I replied while cherishing this lovely and sweet moment.


Third story complete :)

Hope you liked it and as always please vote and comment 

Good morning/day/evening/night, Love you all loads <3333

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