Bad ending#2: Nightmare 29

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Life was boring now that everybody was gone. Lucifer refused to take me anywhere outside of the mansion and I had read every book in the library twice over. I stared at Lucius and Sal's graves for so long I had to remind myself that they existed at one point. It was even getting difficult to remember Xiomara. I wearily drag myself out of bed to shake off this depressed feeling I had. Laying around wasn't going to change anything, I knew that much. I noticed a trail of flower petals leading out of the room and I wondered if Lucifer was trying to romance me again.

"I'm not really in the mood today, sorry."

I mutter, but get no reply. I stopped wearing shoes for a while now so I carefully followed the trail. For whatever reason it led to the basement, not very romantic at all. Each of the flower petals varied in color, purple, green. Blue, yellow, red. A simple pattern of sorts, I had never seen flowers such as these. Every time I took a step towards them they glowed, it was beautiful. I made my way down the basement steps and noticed how dark it was. I shivered, I was never a fan of basements. All the flower petals suddenly glowed red and it was the only source of light prevalent in the room. I was surrounded by a circle of them and I patiently sat in the middle of it. I hear shuffling and groaning in the darkness and I get ready for defense. The basement door slams shut and I realize I was trapped down here. I slap my palm against my forehead, I had fallen for the most obvious trap in existence! I'm such a moron! I sigh and shake my head, there's no going back now.

"Reficul? You came to play with us?"

A petite girl stood in front of me, a white light shining over her like a spotlight. She had long white hair and a simple white dress. My eyes widen in recognition


She smiles and nods, thin strings were latched onto her body, her limbs, her head, everything. It sort of looked like spider webs. I reach out to touch her and pull her into an embrace.

"Stop, stay back for a moment."

She warns, her voice serious.

"Annalina, you're always so impatient."

A sarcastic voice chuckles behind me, I spin around to see a blonde boy with emerald green eyes smiling at me.


My voice is overcome with such delighted surprise that I find it hard to breathe. I notice that he has the same spider like strings, and I begin to feel uneasy.

"Just wait a moment okay, Anna?"

He repeats what Xiomara said, and I notice them staring at each other with understanding.

"Don't worry, everything is going to be okay."

Lucius' voice rings from another direction of the room, his gray eyes comforting.

"How is this possible... ? This shouldn't be happening."

I take a step back, tears streaming down my cheeks from overwhelming emotions. He too, has the spider like strings on him. They all take a step towards me, their eyes becoming red with the flower petals.

"Thank you for finding me Refi, I missed you so much."

Xiomara sniffled, her body trembling.

"Sending me to Hell didn't make me happier at all, I couldn't stop thinking about you."

Lucius muttered quietly, his eyes sad.

"I kept trying to reach you, but I couldn't."

His voice breaking.

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