Chapter 6

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Chapa is still in shock.

She never expected that she'd meet the person everyone else had been so desperate to see all day. She was sure she probably wouldn't even notice when he got here.

But here he is, standing right in front of her.

Chapa notices that he's taller than she thought he'd be. A few inches taller than her, she notes. She wasn't expecting that.

"Sir," Bustow speaks, seeming to address him with due respect and ignoring the way Chapa's mouth is hanging open. "This is nurse student Chapa." He says. "She's one of our most trusted students which is why we've chosen her to show you around."

Bose leans forward, holding out his hand. "Nice to meet you, Chapa." He says, shaking her hand though Chapa can see the glint of mischief in his eyes.

He actually has the nerve to pretend he's just meeting her now.

She wasn't expecting this.

She wasn't expecting any of this.

She saw her day going as smoothly and unexcitingly as it always does, when she woke up this morning. She wasn't expecting to suddenly meet the world's biggest Teen model but she's literally shaking his hand right now.

Chapa notices he's gripping her hand a little tighter than necessary.

She struggles to let go but he holds her firmly, the calmest smile on his face.

What is happening right now?


"I wonder how it's going with Chapa and the new guy." Mika says, carefully helping Suki take out the last pieces of gum in her hair. "Think they're having fun?"

Suki scoffs. "If Chapa hasn't already scared the poor guy off with her scary attitude- OW! Mika, that hurts! Not so hard."

"Sorry." Mika says when Suki's head harshly flinches under her hands. "It's just this really stubborn darn piece!" She says grunting as she focuses all her energy on the gum wad she's in battle with.

"Girl, you're going to freakin' pull my hair out!" Suki complains. "I swear if Chapa doesn't murder Karina for this, I will." She sighs. "Where is she anyway? How long does it take to give a guy a tour?"

"Relax, I'm sure she'll be back any second now." Mika says, preparing to jerk this darn piece out of Suki's hair.

"You're probably ri- OW!"


Bose leans back, slightly sitting on Bustow's office table and crossing his arms.

Bustow has left them alone, saying - as well as Chapa can remember - "I hand Mr. O'Brien to you, young lady. Make him feel welcome or lose your job." And then popping some gum in his mouth and stalking out, waving cheerily to Bose like he hadn't just straight up threatened to fire her.

Chapa works with freaks.

She takes a deep breath and forces herself to smile at him. "Hi." She says, barely managing to stop herself from clenching her teeth. "I'm Chapa." She credits herself for having the ability to sound so calm and polite even though she's literally screaming in her brain.

"Yeah, I heard." Bose says, tilting his head to the side.

Right of course, Bustow already told him that, silly.

"So, now you tell me your name?" He teases.

Chapa rolls her eyes remembering how she had refused to shake his hand in the hall.

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