Chapter 46

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Karina watched, eyes narrowed as the two walked down the hall. She didn't like it one bit.

Does Bose really think she's playing? She won't hesitate to post that picture if he doesn't cooperate with her.

She watched them for a while longer before flipping her hair over her shoulder and making her way over to them. "Hey guys!" She chirped, putting on her most cheerful face. She hooked her arms around Bose left arm, careful so he doesn't drop the stack he's carrying and threw Chapa a dirty look when she asked. "What are you two up to?"

Then, with a quieter voice she whispered to Bose. "Don't think I'm not watching you at all times, Bose. Don't you dare go against your word or that picture will be on the internet for everyone to see. Who knows? Bustow might just get mad and fire Chapa for unprofessional behavior."

And Bose had never wanted to smack someone in the face so hard in his entire life. But he doesn't, because one, he doesn't hit girls and two, Karina would probably post the picture after getting her nose bandaged up.

Instead, he forced a smile but his eyes were venom.

"Oh, we're just taking these to Bustow." Chapa answered, also pretending to be super nice. Two can play at that game.

"Is that so?" Karina asked. "Well, I'll help too." She quickly offloaded a few files from Bose. "Because I'm such a good girlfriend." She said, putting emphasis on the last word. "Oh, that's right, we forgot to tell her, didn't we Bosey bear?"

Bose didn't say a word.

He kinda wanted to commit murder.

Karina turned back to Chapa, enjoying every second of watching Chapa's eyes darken in jealousy when she says. "Bose and I are dating now."

Chapa forced a smile. "Oh, I know." She said. "He already told me."

Karina sent Bose a look and then turned back to Chapa releasing a fake giggle. "I see. You two must be pretty close then."

"You have no idea." Chapa smirked.

Karina hated that. She shot Bose a glare and he scowled at her, mentally wanting to shove her off his arm. Because what the heck is she mad about now?

"Here we are." Chapa then said when they arrived in front of Bustow's office.


"Wow, really?" Suki asked with wide eyes.

Mika nodded, grinning. "He wants to have dinner this Saturday." She squealed.

Suki pouted. "Dang it, I knew I'd end up being the only single one left." She folded her arms like a child."

Mika laughed. "He's not my boyfriend. He just asked me out." She said. "And Chapa isn't dating anyone either."

"Who knows how long that's gonna last." Suki kept pouting and Mika laughed at her.


"Thanks kids."

"No problem, sir." Bose said, closing the door of Bustow's office after waiting for the girls to walk out. He turned to them. "Well, that's done and done. Let's go."

The girls nodded and they took a few steps forward before accidentally tripping at the exact same time. Both girls yelped as they went plummetting to the ground.

"Chapa!" Was all Karina heard with her eyes closed shut as she felt her body collide with the ground.

And it freaking hurt!

But the pain surging through her bones was soon forgotten once she'd recovered and opened her eyes.

And realized she was the only one on the floor.

While Bose was holding unto Chapa like she was the only girl on this entire planet.

Karina's eyes widened. How dare he?

Bose was still holding Chapa close to him, staring into her eyes like they're supposed to be in some stupid romantic movie.

It made Karina sick to her stomach.

This isn't how things are supposed to be.

Chapa should be in her position right now.

Bose is playing a risky game. She's not going to let him get away with this.

"Are you okay?" She heard him say and couldn't be more annoyed by the urgency in his voice. She tripped. She was kidnapped by hoolagins.

The two of them had even forgotten that she was still down here, neither had offered to help her up.

Even though he'd literally caught her before she could fall, he was still checking to see if she was hurt anywhere despite the fact that she was the one who actually hit the ground.

She grunted, helping herself up and dusting herself off. "I'm fine. Thanks for asking." She said, sarcastically.

But Bose totally ignored her.

Chapa's heart was beating erratically inside her chest. Is this really happening right now? She couldn't stop smiling.

"Here, I'll help you walk." Bose said. Then his heart dropped when he saw Chapa mildly flinch when she tried to take a step forward. "Oh no, does it hurt?!"

Karina could punch air. What the heck, Bose? She's not dying! This wasn't a part of the deal. She seethed.

"No, I'm fine, I- ah!" Despite the fact that she was a blushing mess, she really couldn't ignore the sharp pain shooting up her ankle. Darn it, she must have twisted it.

"Okay, that definitely hurts." Bose said, his eyes full of worry. "How dare you lie about that."

Chapa blushed harder. This side of Bose gets her so flustered. Not that she would ever say that to his face. "I'm not."

"Yeah, right." Bose didn't ask for permission before sweeping her off the ground and carrying her in a bridal position.

Karina's jaw hit the ground.

So did Chapa's. "Wait, Bose, what are you-"

"Shut up." Bose stated. Stubborn as she is, Bose wasn't about to let her ignore a twisted ankle. It could get really bad if she doesn't treat it as quick as possible.

And Chapa did shut up. How could she not? This is everything she could possibly dream off. And it's not even about winning against Karina.

Who, was left in awe when Bose walked past her to find Mrs. Harper.

Chapa gladly wrapped her arms around Bose's neck. She's in the arms of her dream boy. She wouldn't ask for anything else.

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