Chapter 31

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"Dad, what was that!"

"What was what?" Chapa's dad asked, confused.

"I already told you, Bose and I aren't dating!" Chapa replied. "It's really not like that at all!"

"Oh yeah?" Her mom asked. "Then  what was that stunt back up there?"

"We tripped!" Chapa answered, tired of having to repeat the same thing over and over again.

Her mom scoffed. "That's what they always say."

Chapa facepalms. "Yeah, and usually, they're telling the truth!" She says, because that's honestly what happens in every single one of those ridiculously cheesy romantic sitcoms and stuff. "But people never believe them!"

"Hhmm-hmm." Her mom hums in disbelief.

Meanwhile, upstairs, Bose has received a video call from his parents and is engaged in an argument of his own. "Dad, do you see the blizzard outside?"

His dad shakes his head on the screen. "I don't care, I'm coming to get you right now."

"Dad, please don't, mom, please stop him." He says, releasing a sigh.

"It's too dangerous to be out there alone." His dad argues.

"I'm not alone." Bose replies. "Don't worry, I'm somewhere safe, you should stay indoors where it's safe too."

"Where are you?" His dad asks. "You can't still be at work."

"I'm at Chapa's."

He hears both his parents exclaim a loud "What?!" on the screen. This is the first time their son is telling them he's at a girl's house.

"You remember Chapa, right?" Bose asks.

"Oh right, she came over to check on you the other day with her friends, correct?" His mom asks, now joining his dad so she's also visible onscreen.

"Yeah, that's her."

"How come you're at her house?" His dad asks.

"Well, her mom couldn't come pick her up and I didn't want her to walk alone." He explains. "So I walked her home."

"Awwww." His mom gushes.

"Yeah, yeah." He says, before his mom can gush further. "Anyway, the storm started just when I was about to start heading home myself, so her parents insisted I stayed."

"Well, that's so sweet!" His mom says.

Daniel sighs at his wife. "Honey, you think everyone is sweet." He says before clicking his tongue and turning back to his son on the screen. "I don't know." He says, thoughtfully. "I still say I should come pick you up."

"Dad, that weather will destroy our car and probably kill you." Bose states. "You're staying home!"


"Honey, I'm sure Chapa's parents will take good care of Bose." His mom puts in. "There's no need to worry."

"Thank you!" Bose says.

His dad sighs. "Fine." He says. "But I want to talk to them."

Bose groans. "Alright then." Why do they still treat him like an infant? Bose awkwardly walks back down the stairs where Chapa and her parents are still talking in hushed tones. "Umm..."

The three stop talking and turn to him.

"I'm so sorry, but my parents called and well, they'd like to talk to you."

"Oh, of course." Chapa's mom says, reaching to take Bose's phone. "Hello?" She says, walking off, her husband following behind. "Yes, yes, he's with us.....Of course, you don't have to worry about a thing....Don't mention it."

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