Chapter 34

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"Makayla! fix up his make up again, will ya!" Brain yelled to his redhead assistant.

She walked to Bose with her make up kit mumbling, "A simple please once in a while wouldn't kill ya."

Bose, hearing the remark, laughed.

"Doesn't he look great?!" Chapa's dad sighed at a distant from them.

Chapa, standing next to him, rolled her eyes.

Well, he does. That fact surprised her herself. But he is a model. Isn't looking great his job? Her dad is being so extra.

Her mom shook her head. "Geez, maybe you should've married him instead of me."  She joked and Chapa laughed.

But her dad, unphased retorted. "Don't be ridiculous. Our daughter will marry him instead, right Chapa?" He said, nudging Chapa's shoulder.

Chapa had barely heard what he said. She was still watching Bose and the cameraman, actually quite fascinated. She's never seen a model er, modeling in person before so she answered with a small 'sure'.

It took her a whole minute to register what her dad had actually asked her before she whipped her head back to him incredulously. "Wait, what?!"

Her dad winked at her and her mom laughed at the look of horror on her face.

Chapa rolled her eyes at her parents, walking off to find something to eat.

Why? 'Cause she's hungry and food won't ruthlessly tease her about having feelings for Bose.

Which she doesn't.

She clapped in excitement when she finally found the food table. She saw Ava already helping herself to some chicken wings. "Hey, Ava."

Ava finally noticed her. "Oh, Chapa hey." She held out a wing. "Want some?"

Chapa smiled before taking it from her.

The two of them ate in comfortable silence, occasionally glancing over at Bose and laughing sometimes when Brian went into another furry about something else and his redhead assistant got even more annoyed by him.

Bose saw them watching at the table and gave them a bashful wave which they returned.

They meaning Ava. Chapa stuck her tongue out at him.

She couldn't help but smile though when Bose grinned widely turning back to face his overpassionate cameraman.

Ava noticed their little 'moment' and spoke up. "You know, he talks about you a lot."

Understatement of the century.

"Only good things I hope." Chapa said, absent mindedly taking a bite out of her chicken wing. "Don't believe a word he says. I'm an absolute angel. He's the pain in the butt."

Ava laughed. She liked Chapa's sense of humor. It makes her fun to be around. It must be one of the reasons Bose likes her so much. She used to hear a lot of people say laughter is a stress reliever and Bose could use as many stress relievers as he can get, given his kind of job.

"No, no." She giggled. "He doesn't call you a pain in the butt, I promise."

Chapa nodded, looking back at Bose and the cameraman who was now for some reason lying on his tummy on the floor. Her eyes squinted a bit. "He looks...tired."

Pouring herself a drink, Ava answered without looking up. "Why wouldn't he be, he yells about basically everything."

"No, not the cameraman." Chapa said. "Bose."

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