Chapter 25

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They hear a banging at the door.

"Hey, who's in my office?!"

Chapa's eyes widen. "Bose, we have to hide!"

"Answer my question, first." Bose hisses.

"Are you for real?!" Chapa looks around in panic. "You're so lucky Bustow's behind that door or I would-"

"Shhhhhhhhhh." Now Bose places his own hand over her mouth to quiet her down but is no where near as harsh as she was with him when she did it earlier. He can't help but feel he's not even worthy enough to be touching her beautiful skin.

Chapa's mouth is covered but Bose can literally hear her screaming at him through her eyes. He shakes his head at her. Her eyes dart down to his hand as if asking him to let go but Bose has no plan of doing such. He smirks. "Not so loud, you'll get us caught."

Oh, I'll get caught alright. Chapa thinks, narrowing her eyes at him. Caught by the police after I stab your stupid handsome face.

"You probably wanna stab me in the face, don't you?" Bose asks. Knowing Chapa, she's mentally helping him draft his death will. "Those are your murder eyes." He laughs.

Chapa gulps, thankful that he knew that because of intuition and not the ability to read minds. Bose doesn't need to know what she thinks of his face.

She rolls her eyes and looks away from him.

"And those right there ma'am, are your 'I hate you so much' eyes." He laughs, goofily.

Chapa huffs behind his hands. Could he stop reading her eyes? It's annoying.

"And now they're the annoyed eyes." Bose boops her nose, messing around with her never gets old. Whether she reacts or not.

Chapa is a little frightened with how good he is at reading her simply through her eyes.

Nah, it's nothing special, anyone can do that, right?

Also did Bose just Boop her?!

That little-

Bose laughs. "Now, they're murder eyes again!"

Chapa tries to, but she can't stop the small smile that grows on her face at that. His bubbliness and sense of humor is...not the worst thing in the world.

.......but she still hates him.

Then Bose's eyes suddenly go soft and he stops laughing.

What, no more eye reading?

Bose remains silent, staring at her so unsubtly that Chapa actually becomes uncomfortable. What's up with him?

But Bose just keeps staring, opening his mouth every few seconds to speak but chickening out each time. Chapa notices his breathing has become uneven.

Ugh, there's no time for this! Hello?! Overgrown Boss Baby at the door!

Chapa shoves Bose's stomach to make him release her and Bose doubles over. "Hey, that hurt!"

Chapa wipes her mouth, unapologetically. "Sorry, it was either that or bite your hand."

"What makes you think I wouldn't have preferred that?" Bose asks, chills running down his spine at the very thought of it. Goodness, he would never wash his hand again.

"Stop whining! You've made this worse by locking the door!" Chapa points at the door still being pounded on by Bustow. "And now, we're going to get caught and all you can do is stand there and stare at my face."

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