Chapter 53

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"What...are we..." Chapa panted, clutching her knees, wondering why in the world they were at the movie theatre. "If you're planning to catch Annabelle Comes Home, tonight might not be the night."

"Hey, I was in that movie." Bose suddenly grinned.

Chapa gasped up at him. "What the- you're an actor too?!"

Bose rolled his eyes playfully. "It was that one time. And I only played a minor role. No biggie." Chapa kept gaping and he shrugged. "They wanted me in it." Then he grabbed her hand and led her in. "Come on."

Chapa snapped back to reality and panicked. "Wait, are we really watching that?! Right now?! No, no, no, no! Bose, I'll get nightmares."

"You don't seem like the type to get afraid of scary movies." Bose raised an eyebrow at her.

Not wanting to look like a baby in front of her crush, Chapa scoffed smugly. "Me? Afraid? Never heard of anything more ridiculous!"

Bose raised his eyebrow again.

Chapa dropped her act. "But please don't make me watch a scary movie." She said and Bose laughed.

He took her hand again and led her in. "Don't worry, it's not a scary movie. You'll like it, I promise."

Chapa just kept staring at him in awe. Is Bose feeling okay? Why is he taking her to watch a movie with him? The stress must really be getting to him. Maybe he really should get some sleep. Does he think he's with Karina or something?

Darn it, Chapa promised herself she wouldn't think about that anymore.

But once the thought was back in her head she had to hide how much it crushed her that she needs to keep in mind that this isn't a date and couldn't possibly be.

Bose is taken.


"I can't believe you made me sit through an entire two hour long romance movie. I didn't even think you liked romance. I thought you'd be into action or something. Who sees a romantic movie with their friend?" Chapa said, exaggeratedly munching on the popcorn she had left as the two made their way back out after the movie.

Bose will never say it to a soul (because they would think he's an absolute creep) but he just loves watching her eat. To him, she looks so young and innocent when she does. He doesn't think he's ever been more attracted to her than he is right now. "I can't believe you cried during that last scene." He teased her.

Chapa dramatically gasped. "I did no such thing. I just had something in my eye." She claimed.

Bose rolled his eyes. "Sure. Hang on." He took her by surprise by suddenly sitting her down on a bench that was near them and going down on his left knee in front of her.

Chapa's face flamed up and she felt embarrassed that that one simple gesture got her so flustered.

"Your shoelaces are untied." Bose explained, taking it upon himself to tie them for her. "You might trip."

With his head bent over, Chapa took the opportunity to stare at him all she wants without him calling her out for it. "Oh... Thanks." She said, inwardly smiling to herself.

Once he was done, Chapa looked away quickly while Bose, instead of getting back on his feet, sat next to her. Chapa didn't mind. They were both trying to stall so they don't have to say goodbye yet.

Chapa started talking about the things she loved, hated, found cute, found disgusting and so on about the movie and Bose listened to everything but didn't concente on a single word she said. His heart felt so full and content that he got to spend quality time with Chapa. He was going to secretly consider this a date. It made his heart soar. Bose decided he should think of more excuses to hang out with her more often when it's just the two of them. Lately, something about the way she looks at him now, talks to him now, acts around him now has him craving for more.

"I mean..." Chapa continued talking. "How did you even manage to get the entire theater to yourself?!"

Bose raised his eyebrows as if reminding her.

Chapa bit her lip. "Riiiight. Forgot." She jokingly shoved his shoulder. "Rich guy."

"You like rich guys?" Bose countered.

"What?" Chapa asked, a bit flushed.

Bose shook his head. "Never mind." He chuckled. He leaned back against the wall the bench was in front of, still staring at her.

Chapa felt even more flushed. "Why are you looking at me like that?" She tried to joke to escape the sudden shift in atmosphere but Bose's gaze didn't change.

"I think you're beautiful."

"Right!" Chapa said, quickly facing front. "Thanks, hehe..." She bit her lip. Change the subject, change the subject! "So... did you suddenly just start craving a movie or something?" She joked.

"No." Bose replied simply. "I planned this."

Chapa was unable to say anything for sometime. She opened her mouth to ask why but Bose continued.

"While Mika was giving her presentation. I wanted to be alone with you. Just you and me. I planned this just for you. And I'd do literally anything else just for you. I wouldn't do this for anyone else, Chapa." He said. "Just you."

Chapa suddenly felt light-headed. Panicking, she stood up. "Okay, that's enough excitement for one night. Maybe we should head home."

Bose stood up too but didn't say anything. The two of them just stood there staring at each other. It's so quiet that Chapa is sure Bose can probably hear how loud how heart keeps pounding.

Weakly, she thanked him for taking her to see a movie and cheering her up. Bose smiled but he looked to Chapa like he was longing to say something else but just couldn't quite do it. And it was killing her.

So she did it instead.

Before, she has time to change her mind Chapa squeezed her eyes shut and blurted. "Do you want to hang out again this weekend?!"

Then she opened her eyes and clasped her mouth with her hand. She was SO not supposed to ask that! WHY did she ask that?! Now Bose is going to think she likes him!

Which she does but she doesn't want him knowing that!

I'm so screwed.

At first, Bose sort of just gasped and Chapa panicked and quickly took it back. "Um, I don't have to if you don't want to! It's not... don't think too much of it, I just thought it'd be fun that's all." She bade him a quick farewell and turned, ready to run back home, dig a deep hole in her room and bury herself in it.

She only took a few steps forward before Bose called her name. She slowly turned around, intending to explain that she'd just been talking nonsense and he should just forget she said anything but there was a complication.

That complication being she couldn't talk.

She couldn't talk meaning she could use her lips.

She couldn't use her lips because someone else captured them with his.

It was Bose.

Bose kissed her.

It was fast and swift and couldn't have lasted more than three seconds but Chapa felt like it lasted minutes.

Chapa's jaw dropped but Bose kept his gaze so intent Chapa thought he might lean in and do it again.

Chapa's brain had officially stopped functioning. She half expected to wake up in bed and feel embarrassed about having a dream about Bose kissing her.

But she didn't wake up.

"Chapa," Bose took her hand in his. "I'd love to go out with you."

I feel like I'm the cheesiest person on the planet XD
Sorry about that, lol

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