Chapter 43

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Mika felt so mad she could explode. "Hold the fudge up." She said, raising her right hand. "I thought Bose liked Chapa!"

"He does." Mace said, wondering how on earth he's going to explain it to them while Mika looks ready to kill.

"Well then what the heck does he think he's doing suddenly chasing after Karina out of nowhere?!"

"He doesn't have a choice." Mace explained.

"What are you talking about?" Suki asked, much softer than Mika of course but obviously, completely lost.

Mace reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. "Karina showed Bose this picture she somehow got of him and Chapa stargazing during Bustow's party that night."

He showed the girls his phone and for a moment, neither of them could speak. Both gasping at the picture that so did not look like a 'just friends' kind of scenario.

And with Bose's kind of fame, this could cause an absolute storm if it got online.

Suki, who was quite unable to read the room at times, then gushed. "Awwwww, how romantic!"

But Mika, who's brain was much sharper and quick-witted, immediately looked horrified.

She and Mace both gave Suki an expectant look, urging her to get the message.

It took Suki a whole three seconds before it finally sunk in and she gasped dramatically. "Karina! That little snake!"

Mace nodded. "Now she's threatening to put it online if he doesn't follow her lead and help her get back at Chapa like her little puppet."

"And Bose would never want Chapa to have to deal with a public dating scandal." Mika said, her anger now turning into pity for both Bose and Chapa.

Mace nodded again. "She sent me the pic while she was explaining her plan the other day when you came to borrow my stapler, Mika." He explained. "She said she wanted to have back up in case Bose tried to steal her phone and delete the picture to escape."

"That would be his next course of action." Mika understood, biting her lip in annoyance at Karina making such a sneaky move. "And she's probably sent it to other people as well."

"In case I decide to turn against her too." Mace finished Mika's thought. "Well, she certainly saw that one coming."

Suki grunted. "It totally sucks that she's so intelligent."

"Well, it doesn't matter." Mika stated firmly. "Chapa's intelligent too." Mika said, a determined look set to her face. "She's going to get to the bottom of it before Karina even realises. I trust her."

"So what do we do now?" Mace asked.

Mika looked at Mace with adoring eyes. She wanted to hug him for being the sweetest, most loyal, cutest thing ever. He totally stabbed Karina in the back to help them out just like he'd promised to keep Bose's secret when she'd blurted it to him - until, Bose was finally ready to make his presence and status known to everyone (goodness, everyone almost plummeted him to the ground) he'd been so transparent and trust worthy for as long as they'd known him even though he happens to be one of Karina's closest friends.

The three of them suddenly jumped when said girl slammed the door open. Her eyes, skimming the two unwanted geusts in distaste. She suspiciously looked at Mace before turning back to Mika and Suki who shared a nervous look.

Crap, of all times for Karina to walk in!

Karina's eyes narrowed. "What..." She said, narrowing in on Mika and Suki. "Are you two doing here? In our office?"

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