Chapter 7

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Bose grunts in frustration, trying to weasel his way through years and years worth of junk the hospital had disposed of in the smallest store room known to mind kind. If he could, he'd buy the entire hospital a furnace so they can just burn the stuff they didn't need anymore before proceeding to have a new store room inbuilt simply because this one is so small it's actually making him mad. "Are you sure it's in here? I can't see any - OUCH!" Bose rubs the spot on his head he has accidentally hit against an old television set.

Wait, old television set? What kind of hospital is this?

Bose feverently wishes he could just run all the way back home and forget today ever happened but he's held back by the fact that his parents are forcing him to do this.

Well, that and the other reason.

'The Other Reason' speaks up now. "Are you sure? I could swear I left it there."

Bose groans. "Yes Chapa, I'm a hundred percent sure. I don't see your stupid clip board." He slowly retreats from inside the store room having to weasel his way out the way he did in and flinches harshly when his head hits the same old TV set again. Darn that thing.

Chapa folds her arms and huffs. "It's not stupid, you're stupid."

Bose finally makes it out, but only partially as he's still having trouble freeing his left leg from the mound of stuff encaging it. "What do I even need it for? This was a total waste of time."

"Every assistant in this hospital uses one." Chapa replies. "It's a necessity. I used one too."

"Yeah, but can't I just- OW!" Bose feels a rush of pain up his left leg as he twists it the wrong way in his bid to free himself. He huffs. "Why can't I just have a new one? Yours isn't even in there."

Chapa looks at him with no sympathy. "Quit whining and look harder, I'm sure it's in there."

Bose rolls his eyes at her when he finally releases his leg. Not that it means that much, since he's already heading back in again.

He keeps the conversation going though.

"You were an assistant?"

"Yeah." Chapa says, not exactly adamant on discussing her personal business with a world famous model she met half an hour ago who she still wanted nothing to do with and who still got on her nerve with that smile of his. "It's what made me realise I wanted to be a nurse." She adds, sounding less defensive. "So I decided to become a student."

"Really?" Bose asks. Then he spots something and goes, "Ew, gross!"

Chapa looks offended. "I'm sorry, I didn't realise my wanting to help people was gross."

"No, no." Bose quickly says. "Of course not, that's....that's really sweet and all, I just....what the heck is this!"

He makes his way out again, still stuck in, dangling what looks like a bag of rotten food.

Chapa furrows her eyebrows at it for a second.

Then a slow smile appears on her face and she's soon beaming like someone just told her Mr. Bustow was getting replaced by a sane person or something.

Bose, despite being super grossed out by the fact that he's holding 'goodness knows what' in his hand, suddenly forgets anything and everything he'd ever been complaining about all day.

He has, until now, never seen Chapa smile.

And he will, until he dies, never stop thinking about it.

His heart starts thomping loudly in his ears and he suddenly fears the bag will suddenly slip out of his shaking hands. He's personally not a fan of rotten foods but if it makes Chapa beam like that, he might have to change his standards.

Chapa gives a small, light hearted laugh and Bose's ears perk up at the sound.

He needs to crank up the funny (or whatever it is he's doing right now) because he must hear her laugh like that again.

She takes the bag from Bose who suddenly realises he's smiling at her like an idiot and quickly makes his expression neutral again. "What?" He asks her like he wasn't just looking at her with heart eyes.

Chapa dangles the bag proudly. "I put this in here months ago." She chuckles like she's speaking to herself and not to Bose. "I completely forgot about it." She smirks, "Well, that'll teach her not to put mayonnaise in my cream puffs."

Bose almost chokes. "You pranked a fellow student." He laughs. "Because she pulled a prank on you?"

Chapa's eyes snap up at him like she had forgotten he was there. She suddenly looks sheepish. "Well, she started it." Then she narrows her eyes into the distance. "She started it a long time ago."

Bose tries not to laugh at how cute and not intimidating that was. "Who?" He asks.

"Karina Shaw." Chapa replies, forgetting that she didn't want to share anything with this guy. "My arch nemesis."

"Rivalry on the hospital grounds?" Bose teases. "That's so cute."

"It's not cute!" Chapa scolds and Bose notices a vein briefly appear on her neck, averting his eyes so as not to stare. "It's war."

Bose clears his head of all thoughts on why her skin is so dang flawless in order to speak with common sense, replying. "You put her lunch in the store room to get back at her for ruining your cream puffs." Bose counters. "I can't think of a cuter scenario."

"You watch it, or I'll replace Karina's name with yours on my list of people I hate." Chapa says, stepping closer to him.

"Ah, ah, ah." Bose says, playfully wagging his finger at her though he really doesn't mind the sudden close proximity. "Remember what your boss said."

Chapa wants to bite off his finger. She really does. But he would probably think she's wierd if she does.

That and her boss would probably fire her.

And she'd probably end up in jail.

She's about to tell him to shut up and keep looking for her old clip board when the opened door of the store room suddeny slams closed, revealing Mika who had walked up to it and slammed it shut, unaware of who she had trapped inside, she shoves her phone in Chapa's face. "Who is he?" She asks referring to last text Chapa had sent her.

Chapa is trying to rap her head around what had just happened. Her best friend, who was obsessed with the guy she legit just trapped in the store room had no idea that Bose O'Brien, the guy she (and literally every other girl in the hospital) was obsessed with was here and she had legit just trapped him in the store room.

She'd heard the thud of him falling in there and wondered why in the heck Mika hadn't heard it too.

She doesn't know whether to laugh because her best friend is just something else or because the annoying model is trapped inside the store room and it's funny.

Mika waves her phone at her. "Well?!"

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