Chapter 42

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Chapa felt paralyzed.

Like all the blood had drained from her body. Was she seeing things? There's no way that just happened.

She watched and nearly panicked when Bose sighed with a rather disgruntled look on his face and turned in her direction, walking. Chapa gasped and jerked back.

But that was a bad idea as she ended up hitting a stand she hadn't noticed behind her.

She gave a yelp, catching it before it could fall over and that was just enough time for Bose to notice her.



Mika boredly played around with her water bottle, using her ruler to shift it side to side on her desk. "Ugh, why isn't she back yet?" She whined. "I have nothing to do."

"Well, I can't relate." Suki nagged. "I have so much to do!"

Mika laughed. "That's 'cause you're always procrastinating and end up with a big pile of work much later." She teased. "Tsk, lazy."

Suki stuck her tongue out at her before going back to her notes.

Then the door opened and the way Mika shyly shifted in her seat gave Suki all the information she needed. "Hey, Mace." She greeted without even raising her head.

"Hey, guys." Mace said, a little apprehensively.

Mika noticed and her sparkling eyes dimmed in concern. "Is something the matter?"

Mace gave her a small grin. He'd always admired how smart Mika is. He was just always too shy to say so out loud. "Nothing gets past you does it?"

The girls saw that he looked a bit disturbed and both instantly felt worried. "Is everything okay, Mace?" Suki asked.

"Actually, I came to warn you." Mace said, pensively. "It's about Bose."

The girls' brows furrowed.


Chapa blinked at him, totally embarrassed about this scenario. What was she supposed to say to him? What if he thought she was stalking? Like she's obsessed or something.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

Chapa gaped, not a word leaving her mouth.

Then she noticed Bose slightly panic and immediately avoid eye contact.

Chapa didn't know why but she suddenly felt mad.

Bose still wouldn't look at her. "Did..." He hesitated. "Did you-"

"Yes." Chapa answered stiffly. She really shouldn't act like this because the truth is, Bose doesn't owe her any explanation at all. He has the right to be involved with who ever he wants.

But Chapa, for some reason, just can't seem to bring herself to accept that.

She continued. "Yes, I saw everything." She said, annoyed. "You lair."

Bose closed his eyes, squeezing them shut and for a moment he looked like he was contemplating on whether or not to tell her something and Chapa soon became overwhelmed with the hope that he would.

But alas, Bose looked like he'd decided. Returning her stiff gaze and folding his arms. "And how am I a lair?" He said in his own defense.

Chapa stepped towards him. "You never told me you were into Karina!" She suddenly flared out of nowhere. She doesn't even have the right to be mad about this. But she couldn't care less. Karina just had her stupid lips on Bose. And Chapa doesn't want to care why, but that's NOT okay.

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