Chapter 54

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Chapa stared blankly at her room wall in a daze, replaying the words in her mind over and over again.

"It's a date. See you then."

Bose's final words before they'd departed that night. She couldn't believe it. Bose wants to go on a date with her. An actual date. Like, an 'I like you in a more than a friend kind of way so let's go out together in a more than a friend kind of way'. Bose kissed her. He kissed her. And then asked her out. If word got out, Chapa would be number one of numerous obsessed teenage girls' kill lists. Chapa had had to slap herself a few times when she got home to ensure it was real.

Then her heart stopped. Did she just agree to go on a date with a boy who is taken? Is she a boyfriend stealer now? Chapa gasped, sitting up. What has she done? In the heat of the moment she let her stupid mouth work faster than her brain. Why did she do that? And more importantly, why did he agree?

But back at the movie theatre. The way he looked at her. He couldn't possibly be dating Karina if he can look at another girl like that. Unless... No. Chapa doesn't want to believe a guy as sweet as Bose is a womanizer. Though they say most male teen celebrities are. Chapa could pull her hair. This is driving her nuts.

She needs answers.

Her thoughts are interrupted by her mom who knocked on her door. "Chapa. I don't mean to intrude, it's just you seemed pretty panicked when you got home and ran straight to your room without saying a word. And I mean, you literally kept slapping yourself and that's pretty weird...  like, your dad type of weird and well, we're a little... worried. Are you okay?"

The next thing she knew her daughter is abruptly opening the door and asking in one breath. "How do you know when a boy is interested in you?"

Jasmine at first was confused, but after processing the words she stared at her daughter in shock. Is this about who she thinks it's about?

She gave Chapa a small smile, thankful that her daughter hasn't gone mad. Phew! It was just boy issues.

Stepping into her daughter's room, she sighed, sitting on her bed. It's time for 'The talk'. Chapa sat next to her. "The signs vary." She stated.

Chapa nodded, urging her to go on.

Jasmine almost couldn't believe this was really Chapa but she carried on anyway. "When your dad and I were in highschool he was pretty extroverted. Had big friend circles and what not. I was the total opposite. I was always so quiet and reserved."

"Wow. What on earth made him ask you out?" Chapa laughed. Her mother gave her a look and she quickly pursed her lips. "I mean, other than the fact that you're so smart and loveable and pretty, hehe..." She pinched her mom's cheek. "Pretty, pretty, mom." She chuckled nervously.

"Hmm-hmm, nice save." Her mom said, before going back to the story. "Anyway, your dad wasn't the most studious of students and pretty soon he needed to be assigned a tutor."

"And it was you." Chapa said, seeing where the story seemed to be going.

Her mom laughed. "No, it was my older sister. She was way smarter than I was. Anyway, so he started coming over to our house so my sister could tutor him. Eventually I realized he was acting a bit differently in school. It started when he first sat with me to talk at lunch, using the excuse of 'expressing his gratitude for how my sister has helped him' but he kept insisting on sitting with me all the time, at lunch or in class."

"And you still didn't know?" Chapa joked. "Well, you're oblivious."

"Well, now you know where you get it from." Her mom joked back.

"Hey!" Chapa said.

"I was annoyed at first but pretty soon I got used to it... started to like it even. He stopped hanging out as much with the guys as he usually used to and always looked around for me. It was cute. He hated whenever I was upset and always did the goofiest things to make me laugh. He used to take my hand and say the sweetest things." Her mom continued, wistfully, remembering those times herself. "Man, I really was oblivious." She chuckled.

Chapa bit her lip. "Did he ever, um... kiss you?"

"Well, not until he told me he liked me." Her mom answered casually. Then her eyes snapped to Chapa. "Wait, did Bose-"

"Bose! Wha- What do you mean Bose!" Chapa panicked. "I'm not talking about Bose, pfft whaaaat?"

Her mom furrowed her eyebrows. "Okay..."

Chapa sighed. "But... what if say, he's already with another girl?" Chapa stared at her mom with wide eyes holding on to each and every word that would depart from her in that moment.

Her mom thought for a moment. "That could mean he's a player. Look out for guys like that. Especially if they're rich, or influential or something like that." Then she turned back to Chapa. "But honey, who is this boy? I thought you liked Bose?"

Chapa's shoulders slumped a bit and she was visibly disappointed. "Never mind that. Thanks for the advice mom."

Jasmine gives her a side eye. Then she stands up like she's about to leave. At the door she abruptly turns around again. "It's Bose, isn't it? It has to be. Is it Bose?"

"Mom, dad will hear you." Chapa said rushing to close her room door and dragging her mom back to sit with her. "Now don't freak out."

Her mom nodded eagerly.

Chapa sighed. "It's Bose."

Chapa's mom clapped in victory. "Ha! I knew it!"

"He kissed me." Chapa said and her mom's eyes widened. Chapa can see the slightest glint of a grin forming on her face before she jumps off of Chapa's bed.

"No! Really?! No way!" She rushed to the door and Chapa stood up in a haste as well.

"Wait a second, where are you going?" She pointed an accusing finger. "You better not tell dad!"

Chapa's mom paused sending her daughter a quick nod. "Uhhhhhh....yeah sure." She said, slowly stepping out of Chapa's room. Then she suddenly dashed down the stairs like her hair was on fire or something, screaming. "HONNNNNEEEEEEYYYYYYY!!!"

Chapa facepalmed, shaking her head and flopping back into bed.

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